Chapter 37

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I had absolutely no idea that I could have that much sex in my entire life.

I swear we'd done- it, more than i'd slept throughout the days.

So many times that I hadn't even tried to count over the past two days because i'd probably be very, very concerned with myself and that was definitely saying something considering how low my libido had once been, unfortunately and fortunately with Rhys it was ten times its original number.

And with a few lingering kisses he'd dropped me off at home, i'd forced him to pinky promise with me that we would never do anything close to this weekend ever again, he begrudgingly agreed to my little promise with a roll of his eyes.

Not before texting me back exactly what i'd said in the shower.

No promises.

I'd admittedly stared at the message for sometime as soon as I got in the house, but now I was here, making meringue cookies at the bakery and blushing every few minutes at the memories of the nights before as I continued to decorate them.

This wasn't good, it was like a distraction, but the problem was I didn't need a distraction, I just wanted to- I don't even know what I wanted! I just wanted to have sex with him? That sounded horrible.

"Can I test taste this time?" Anakin asked from beside me as he rolled out pie crust and I rose a brow, thankfully knocked out of my deep thinking.

I was working. I needed to focus on work. "Its not your turn, its Emilia's."

I looked to her over my shoulder at the same time she looked at me with a grin.

"I thought it was mine!" A voice came from outside the kitchen and I snorted as I popped them into the oven below the counter, just about to reply when the door opened, way before opening time and my eyes met my brothers.

I grinned at him which he'd returned.

"You're back-" My eyes went wide and I almost choked on my words when I saw his best friend walk in behind him too.

I blinked when his eyes met mine, a knowing glint in those eyes and I looked to my brother again, hoping he didn't notice my falter in words.

He hadn't, all because he was too busy looking at the baked goods up front.

Bloody idiot.

"I swear you only come in here for food."

"I do."

"Gee, thanks." I mumbled as I walked around the counter tops, pushing the swinging door and walking out to them.

They guys just nodded over at the guys and the girls sent smiles and small short waves.

I cleared my throat, "So, breakfast?"

"Yes please."

I looked to Rhys who'd been on his phone, trying to control myself and not jump him and hug him even if i'd seen him yesterday.

Oh good lord.

"You too?" I asked him.

He shook his head and I nodded, sending him a tight lipped smile opposed from my usual grin that I couldn't get out because I was so damn nervous, as if i'd woken up with a permanently etched sign saying I had sex with Rhys, plastered onto my freaking forehead.

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