Chapter 58

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Rhys's house looks the same as the day i'd left.

Of course it was neater than when I left, but he still had all my stuff in place, including my favorite quilts on the couch.

I grab one from the three and hold it close to my chest and he eyes me in amusement, following me around the entire time as I get some stuff of mine around the place.

Then I go upstairs and begin packing my clothes into a bag with him sitting on the bed and watching me the entire time.

"You're basically taking everything of yours with you." He says, eyeing me, then the bag, then the mostly empty closet.

"Im moving back in with Jesse till I find my own place."

He blinks, probably finally realizing I was actually serious about our breakup.

"I don't want you living alone." He says almost immediately and I restrain a roll of my eyes.

"Its Miami, a lot of people live alone here."

"Usually if they don't have other places to stay, which you do."

I sigh, rubbing two fingers over my temples, "Ambrose and Kiana are getting really serious Rhys, and as much as they don't mind me staying its not where I want to be and honestly, I want to live alone."

"Or you can come back home."

I scoff at that, "That is not an option." I say as I fold my shirts before putting it in the bag, "Why?"

"Im not staying with my ex."

"Stop calling me your fucking ex Calliope."

"Well thats what you are." I mumble, and as soon as I was done finally packing everything, I zipped the bag close, "An ex, a mistake."

"Are you convincing me or yourself?" He asks me.

"You." I say as I look to him, "Im convincing you, I'm telling you I'm done with you and you're being so damn desperate about it."

He shrugs, "I don't care, I want you back."

Hmm. How sweet.

"Maybe I don't want this anymore, maybe I realized that love isn't for me and men are all assholes, including you Rhys."

"I know that I'm shitty to other people but I'm not to you and you know it, I love you Calli."

"Manipulatively?" I ask, almost sounding resentful towards him and his so called, love, for me.

"Unconditionally." He replies easily and I huff.

"Maybe I'm ready to settle and be half loved by another man who doesn't lie to me then." I mumble out and I hear him scoff as he stands up, "Bullshit, you like how I love you and you still want us to be together."

I look away from the bag and turn back to look at him when I speak, "I liked us being together before you lied to me, I liked the sweet Rhys in Paris, the Rhys who played with my hair and kissed my dimples, but he was a lie too, wasn't he? You knew for months before that."

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