Chapter 50

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We didn't bring up the day before today.

We just went through breakfast as usual, laying in bed for hours on end but now I was sitting on his lap.

His shirt i'd slept in over me and his sweats on him as I cut his hair, he played with my hair, definitely bored as I cut his hair on the floor, just little bits because I liked that he had a few wavy strands of hair that fell to his eyebrows.

"Are you okay there buddy?" I teased him, kissing his cheek but he only just shrugged. "Im kinda hungry."

I snorted at that, finding it funny that he was like a bored kid right now. "We'll go down to eat after."

"Im not talking about food."

I blush but roll my eyes, "You're a menace, Emrhys." I mumbled and he chuckled as he leaned forward and kissed a path along my jaw which made me smile.

"I think im gonna dye my hair again, don't know what color though."

He nodded, still playing with my hair distractedly and I blinked. "Is that okay?"

"Don't be stupid."

I poked his cheek and he rolled his eyes. "I like that you change your hair a lot, its cute."

"Cute?" I grumbled the word out, as if cute was the opposite of what it actually meant and he smirked. "Yes so cute."

"You're on thin ice Blackburn."

He snorted and I shook my head as I cut the last bit and ran my hands through his hair, messing it up a little before I tilted his head back, intentionally running my hands down from his hair to his jaw as I tilted his head and back up and he rolled his eyes.

I smiled, getting onto my knees to lean over him to get the tubs sprayer attached to the wall just to wash his hair out again but he just lifted my shirt, kissing over my ribs.

"Im gonna get you naked if you don't finish this quickly."

I rolled my eyes but my body grew warm in anticipation, wondering if I should just intentionally be slow. "Uh huh, alright." I hummed out, running my fingers through his hair as he lifted the shirt up even more, kissing below at the curve of my breasts causing a shiver to run up my spine.

With one hand he lifted it just enough to get both nipples out, sucking on one of my pebbled nipples, his tongue tracing over the skin and my center throbbed.

"R-rhys what're you doing?"

He lifted my shirt off my body completely before I could even so much as stop him and I dropped the sprayer into the tub, just about to let my hands dart over my exposed flesh, "Rhys!"

"Shh, just keep going." He told me as he sucked my breast into his mouth, running his hands up my sides before I moaned without meaning to, hips bucking and grinding down on him before his lips found way up my neck, his fingers playing with my nipples, pinching it lightly.

I move my hands out of his hair and to the back of his neck as I got down on his lap again and he kissed the side of my jaw softly, licking over his lips.


He groans and rolls his eyes but stops kissing me immediately which makes me smile, "Are we gonna see your mom today?"

He nodded and I breathed out, playing with the ends of my own hair. "I hope she likes me." I say as I move closer and wrap my arms around him, pressing my cheek to his chest and he ran a hand down my naked back in a reassuring motion, his hand rubbing up and down my spine.

"She will, everyone likes you."

"Maybe, maybe not." I say with a shrug as I leaned back and grabbed the shirt from the floor but he grabbed it at the same time as me and didn't let go.

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