Chapter 59

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We stayed together for a week before I started my usual routine once again, waking up, making breakfast and going to the bakery to work, and everyday was the same.

And I didn't exactly hate it.

I just missed talking to Rhys who I just dismissed sometimes with a hum and some walking away, but I did miss us being together in bed sleeping, watching tv, reading, all of it.

I ignored the thoughts as I was eating breakfast in the morning when he came downstairs and sat beside me, seeing as i'd already make him breakfast too.

I eat silently, as much as I want to ask him how he slept, or what he'd be doing today.

But if I did ask I just know he'd say he hated sleeping without me. Truth was I hated sleeping without him too and I knew he hated it as much as me. I just really didn't want to hear him actually say it aloud.


I know he's thanking me for making him breakfast but I don't want that. Its just food and I love cooking food and I want him to know that i'd do it everyday because I love him.

I don't say that.

I hum instead as I stab at my hash brown, looking to him eating his eggs beside me, he eats quietly and I stare.

I look away and eat my food silently before I take my plate and wash it and I can feel him watching me now.

When I'm done I turn back and see him looking at me.

So I was right.

I cross my arms, cocking my head to the side a little before I speak, "Do you have something to say to me?"

He nods, licking over his lips, "I want you in my bed tonight."

I almost froze.

I hate that I squirm at the thought, even if he means just to sleep, but I know, theres a possibility that he might be talking about the, other, stuff.

"I miss you Calli."

I bite at my cheek, turning around and putting the dishes down into the dishwasher, "I don't know what to say to you."

"Tell me you miss me too and you'll give me another chance and lets go back upstairs and make things better."

"I don't know if I can do that." I say with a shake of my head, and it was the truth, I know I most definitely wouldn't be going back upstairs even if I was half tempted to.

I bite my tongue, turning around and walking to the fridge after I close the dishwasher.

I take out the strawberry juice he knew I liked and got for me.

Getting a glass and pouring half a glass for myself before I sip on it.

"Im gonna be out today."

"Its Saturday."

"I know."

"What're you gonna do?" He pries.

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