Chapter 5

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I'd only realized i'd left my water bottle back in the car when I got inside the building and knew that Felix was probably long gone by now, so i'd made a mental note to get it back the next time I saw him.

But for now I was staring around at the inside of this 48 story building, blatantly gawking at the modern colors of white and the occasional hues from dark to light grey everywhere, huge black screens taking some of the expanse of the walls on several sides, these screens plastered around with different images of tech gear that became 3D images after it appeared, showing the items all around.

And as I walked further and further in I realized i've seen these watches, phones, and much more around in various stores, but what made my jaw drop was when i'd realized that I even had a laptop from this very company.

Blackburns Inc.

Their logo was two little grey colored flames, one bigger than the other, the littler one sprouting out from the bigger one.

It was a pretty cool design in my opinion.

I didn't bother heading over to the front desk, instead I went over to one of the eight elevator doors, pressed a button and got in, thankfully not much people here and no one came in with me when I quickly pressed the close button and used the key my brother gave me by putting it into the circular key slot on the top of the elevator buttons.

I took it out after pressing the 44th floor and rocked on the soles of my feet as it went further up, glass doors that had gold lining on the edges, the back of me not glass and soon enough as I got higher and higher I realized I had to turn around because thats the side that would open up.

I turned around and seconds later the doors opened and I shook my head lightly.

Rich people stuff.

I walked out the door, tapping the cookies box on my legs as I walked further and further through the floor, happy that there wasn't much people on this floor except  for a few people at their desks, maybe fifteen or sixteen desks, all spaced nicely before it lead to a few offices at the far back.

Finally I got to the end and looked to the double doors, changing my direction of sight and eying the two ladies who looked at me with a raise of their trimmed and tinted brows, just then I realized that they were identical twins, which was kinda cool too.

"Hi, im Calliope, uh- Ambrose's sister." I stated as they eyed me back, actually, I think they were blatantly staring until finally the one woman said, "Sorry you just look a little like Mr Sweeney."

Well we did come out the same vagi-

"Yeah." I mumbled before clearing my throat. "I get that- sometimes." And I did, not much but enough, we weren't twins or anything, it was just evident that we were in some way related.

We had the same eye shape though, not exactly the same eye color since his hazel was somehow lighter than mine, but the rest of us was overall just as different too, he had lighter brown hair and I had darker brown hair, except that mine was obviously now dyed, but I guess your eye shape was a noticeable feature to most.

The other girl pointed the end of her pen to the double doors. "He's not here yet but you can wait in his office, he'll probably be back soon."

I nodded at them both after thanking them in which they smiled which made me feel a lot lighter.

I walked over to the doors, happy that those women weren't hostile or anything, just a little curt but it didn't matter much, they were just doing their job.

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