Chapter 42

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We just showered, much too tired from the day before and then he drove me back to the offices to get my car i'd parked further down, and I remember frowning like a little kid when we got there.

Then we got out his car when he parked beside my own and he walked around to me as I tied my hair up and walked over to him, one hug and one kiss and a hundred little warnings that came from me too please call me, he said okay every time but I still kept reminding him and im pretty sure I would've set automatic call timers for him if possible.

From my way there I went home, thankfully my brother wasn't already there so I got ready and changed into my own clothes, and like a freaking teenager, began hiding the hickeys on my neck with a layer of foundation and some canceler.

The skin on the left side of my neck was more red than my own skin color, but it didn't make me angry.

I noticed the hickey i'd given him when we were showering in the morning but I knew he couldn't care less if anyone saw it anyway, no one would question him, but in my case, i'd definitely get bloody interrogated.

When I was done I smiled like an idiot the entire way down the stairs, practically skipping to the kitchen and then to the fridge to make some early dinner, thinking about Rhys the entire time but to force myself not to after I was done cooking, I watched a movie, and soon later, I fell asleep.

I'd only woken up on Monday morning the day after I felt asleep and was absolutely horrified when i'd realized i'd probably missed a call or text from like the entire world.

So I shot up from the mattress downstairs and got my phone from the counter, still half groggy.

All i'd got was texts from Spence and Kauai after i'd told her to tell Kiana that I was safely at home, and another few texts from our group chat.

And that's it.

Nothing from Rhys, just that.

Was he already regretting this secret dating thing? Or was he just busy with work? I couldn't tell, and my stupid brain leaned towards the first explanation as if that made more sense as to why he hadn't called me last night or this morning.

But honestly, maybe he was just tired from his flight.

I sent him a text, asking him if he was okay, and I waited for sometime as I did mindless tasks around the kitchen area, including getting myself some eggs and toast with my coffee, but when I went back to sit and eat, I saw that i'd still got nothing.

I swallowed harshly.

And then the awful thoughts started seeping in and I almost slapped my damn self for thinking the worst of us almost immediately.

I put my phone off when I was done eating and turned around, pushing it into my sweats pocket as I walked upstairs, a light sensitivity lingered between my legs still, reminding me of the nights before and I felt a tingle run up my spine at the thought, shaking my head at myself.

It was hard not to think about Rhys now, maybe it was the honeymoon phase of dating, but seriously my mind couldn't stray away from him, and it scared me how much more I'd felt with him.

With my ex's i'd just liked them all the same. I didn't really believe love and liking someone in a romantic way was as described in poetry or even books, or any quote. I thought people just romanticized it because it was a concept so easy to romanticize.

But to an extent, all the writers weren't lying.

It was really engulfing, it was consuming and the worst part is that i'd willing let my mind be consumed by Rhys and forget everything else.

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