Chapter 52

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As soon as I got back to my brothers place I started baking the cupcakes, mentally going through my memories of Paris, thinking about how much fun it was and how I wished it could be like that all the time, not the being in Paris thing, but Rhys and I, I liked that we spent literally all our time together when we were there.

As if reality had to hit me over the head my brother got home around that time and I gave him the cupcakes before going upstairs, showering and sleeping after watching some tv.

And now I was downstairs sitting on the couch and eating breakfast, my phone buzzing on my lap and so I picked it up just to see Rhys's name on screen.

Rhys: I really miss you. Come home.

I smile a small smile at that, home.

As in to him.

Me: Im spreading the love to everyone Blackburn, everyone wants me everywhere, I have to make due.

Rhys: I really want you everywhere too, so come make due here.

My cheeks redden at that and I almost giggle like a freaking kid.

Seriously, Calliope?

Me: Perversion? Absolutely disgusting Rhysie.

Rhys: I love you too Calli.

Okay now I was indeed giggling and blushing.

"Why're you always smiling and giggling at your phone?" I hear from behind me and I look back to Ambrose, blinking once, and then again.


"You're always on your phone." He points out from beside me as he walks closer and I put my phone off, the screen facing down to the couch.

My eyes are wide and alert because I really hoped he didn't see Rhys's name on the screen, but my screen brightness was pretty low, so I doubt it.


He rolls his eyes before he explains how he'd come to the conclusion. "Like, you're all swoony, and disgusting, always smiling at your screen, do you have a boyfriend or something?"

"A boyfriend?" I spluttered, sending my brother a raise of my brow as if the very idea of me having a boyfriend is preposterous and I stood up, taking my phone and now empty plate along with me.

"Yeah, unless you don't wanna talk about it."

"Its complicated." I sing softly before dropping my plate into the sink, pushing my sleeves up till it was bunched at my elbows, then I started washing my dish.

"Complicated how?"

"As in the guy and I are at a complicated stage of our relationship, with a little... obstacle." I say, "But its fine, lets leave that, why don't you go out with Ki or something?" I ask him instead, changing the subject to something he'd actually enjoy talking about and he shrugs from beside me.

"She's kinda avoiding me right now."

Oh they were at that part.

"Fun." I say and he wacks me gently upside the head, a small smile plays on my lips and I shake my head, "Just give her time." I tell him, putting the dishes into the rack before I wiped my hands.

"You'll see her soon, i'll talk to her, I'm meeting her later."

He hums, pushing off the counter side to probably go back upstairs to his bedroom to hibernate with his tv, "Put a good word for me in."

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