Chapter 36

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I was actually kinda surprised that Rhys wasn't a morning person.

My brother and I had always been morning people, which is why I was awake at seven in the morning even after last night.

I'd made breakfast before I'd brushed my teeth and washed my hair which was now in two loose plaits, still damp as I texted Spencer a good morning message to check up on her, already having freaked out about last night when I was brushing my teeth.

We haven't went as far as to well- having sex, but coming twice from his tongue alone was quite intimate too, and making him come with my hand was equally as intimate.

Yes. Something I'd admittedly never done before, my ex just sticked to sex and I let it be, not really caring over the time we were together but hell was it absolutely heavenly when Rhys did anything to me.

I felt a familiar ache between my legs at the thought of last night, tapping my cheek softly when my cheeks warmed and I felt a shy smile cross my face.

Oh goodness how was I gonna look at him after last night? And we didn't even have sex yet!

A ding on my phone announced that Spencer texted me and so I texted her back, telling her about what I was going to do this weekend, which was nothing.

Usually on Saturdays i'd go to work just to open the bakery for a few hours but I asked Anakin to open the bakery for today instead and I very well trusted my employees to not steal everything, in any case, if they did, i'd see them on Monday and get it back.

Not being able to hide it anymore I texted her the golden message.

Me: Soo...

She already knew what that meant.

Spencer: Something happened, what happened!?

But before I could reply with the little explanation as to why i'd said that I looked to the idiot who rubbed his eyes with the back of his fist as he walked into the lounge room, instead of greeting him I watched him with a small smile lingering on my face.

It was past 9am now, i'd put his alarm on his phone off before I left to the bathroom, and since he didn't have a password, which made me raise my brows, it was much easier than I thought it'd be, if he had a password I would've tried his birthday and if it didn't work i'd definitely given up.

"How tall are you?"

"What?" He asked me incredulously, like it was the weirdest thing to ask someone who just woke up but I couldn't help but analyze him.

He looked kinda kiddish right now, in a carefree way, his hair disheveled, wavy as usual but disheveled from sleeping, and he still looked fairly tired, yet he was still so damn handsome. "How tall are you?"

"Six foot three, why?"

I hummed, I thought so. Must be damn nice.

He looked to me and I tried to hide my smile but I only smiled more and ended up grinning at him like a freaking idiot, his lips twitched as he watched me.

"Why're you smiling at me?"

"Am I not always smiling at you idiot?"

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