Chapter 18

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My brother walked into my bed room, banging a metal spoon against a metal pot and I almost screamed at the anguish he was causing me so early in the morning.

"Please, go away." I mumbled as I turned myself over and shoved my face into a pillow, it went to waste, because he rounded the bed, banging the pot near my head now and I screamed into the pillow causing him to snort.

I felt him tap my head with the same spoon in hand and I looked up to him with a side glance.

"Happy birthday!"

"Theres nothing happy about this moment." I grumbled dryly as I sat up on the bed, putting a finger into either one of my ears and wiggling it, hoping I wasn't going to go deaf.

He did it again and I grabbed the spoon, throwing it across the room, letting it hit my cupboard doors, then drop to the floor with a loud thud.

A pregnant pause passed between us as we stared at the spoon.

"So violent woman." He mumbled as he shook his head, making his way out my bedroom. "Oh, and come downstairs your surprise is waiting for you." He sang as he left causing me to snort but get up anyway.

Inwardly I hoped it wasn't something small and stupid, not that I wouldn't appreciate it, but because I was drowsy and all I wanted to do was sleep again since i'd barely gotten any sleep last night from the excitement of today.

Very anti-climatic now.

I walked- well lugged myself downstairs till I got to the bottom, my eyes closed as I stood at there with a soft sigh, just about to open them when a body collided with mine and we went falling back, a gasp leaving my mouth as my eyes shot open and I looked to the person laying on me and my jaw dropped.


"Popi!" She screeched, hugging me and this time, even in shock, I hugged her back, both of us squealing on the floor, practically rolling from side to side.

"You're here!"

"Im here!"

"Yeah, Spencer is here can we eat now?"

✶ ✶ ✶

After we ate breakfast, Spencer and I ended up catching up in my bedroom upstairs, talking about almost everything including later today when she'd meet the twins since they had made plans for my birthday, not exactly telling me what except that i'd be very drunk by the end of the day, I assume we're going clubbing.

"Im pretty sure I have something to wear." Spencer said as she sifted through her clothes throwing it around my bedroom and I snorted as my phone beeped.

I looked to it and rolled over on my stomach on my bed I was laying on, my eyes widening when the familiar name popped onto the screen.

Rhys: Are you busy?

I was far too curious to be busy now.

Me: You actually saved my number?

His reply came almost instantly, one that made me smile.

Rhys: No, I took a lucky guess.

Me: Very accurate guess Emrhys, seems more like you'd memorized it.

"What're you giggling at?"

I looked over to Spencer and scratched a finger over the top of my eyebrow. "Uh, Rhys."

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