Chapter 21

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"I brought food, again!" I said, a grin plastered on my face as I walked into Rhys's office a day after i'd brought lunch for my brother and I.

I'd felt bad almost the entire day after I left my brothers office all because I hadn't got Rhys anything, and even if I hadn't known he'd be working with my brother at the time I still felt bad.

So here I was.

I looked up and away from the brown bag in hand and I blinked when my eyes met four, vaguely similar looking men.


And his brothers.

They were all standing around his desk, hunched over, chairs pushed away, reading some huge construction paper that covered the entire space of the desk which was saying something because that thing was big.

My smile slowly fell as they stared at me and I shifted in place under the scrutiny of the attractive group of guys.

"Who's she?" One of the guys asked, another's eyes roaming from my shoes and back up to my head.

Rhys didn't answer his brother.

"Food?" He asked me instead and I blinked, looking away from the guy who'd been eyeing me and looked over to Rhys. "Yeah.. because of yesterday, sorry ya'll look busy."

"We're done, its fine." He said, walking over to me and I nodded slowly, noting the other guys confusion and one rose his brow.

"We're actually not done."

"Now we are." He mumbled as he took the brown bag from my hands, I blinked up at him, wondering if he was gonna do something like basic introductions or just let everything hang in the air.

As a few seconds past, I realized, he was just gonna let everything hang, because he didn't say anything.

He opened the brown packet then he opened the white packet with the sandwich inside, taking half out and biting into it, still looking to the sandwich and I continued to stare up at him.

Of course, nothing,

I maneuvered my way around him. "Sorry im Calliope- or you probably know Dylan."

"Ambrose's sister?"

I nodded with a small smile that they'd barely returned, I think its because they looked a little stressed over whatever they'd been speaking about before.

"Ambrose didn't say his sister was pretty." One of them said, not meaning for me to hear but I did and suddenly felt a little, well, taken aback at how blunt they were.

"Because she's not." Rhys said before I could speak up and my polite smile seemed to slip off my face as soon as it came, just for a second.

Did he just indirectly call me like- ugly?

I swallowed lightly, moving away from him, crossing my arms over my chest before I asked, "What's your names?" Using a tone that I hoped wasn't too curious and the first one who'd just briefly looked at me when I walked in spoke, "Bolt."

The next one who was the one who'd asked me who I was, "Adair."

I nodded.

He was the only one i've actually heard of.

Then the one who said I was pretty said, "Hugo."


"Why the hell didn't you all call us sooner?" An unknown feminine sounding voice interrupted, the door hitting the wall and I almost flinched at the suddenness of the sound.

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