Chapter 19

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I'd drank before, not enough to get drunk out of my mind, more so just drunk enough to loosen up.

But now, Spencer, Kiana and Kauai had made it very clear that i'd be drunk by the end of tonight, like, drunk enough to not see straight and possibly throw up.


After I got home Ki and Kauai had come over to the house, and its like the world had set right on its axis because immediately Spencer and the twins clicked and hours later we were all the best of friends.

Within the past hour though, they'd put me in a cute lilac dress and sheer tights- actually, they'd practically shoved me into it.

A few minutes ago they were were doing my makeup, which consisted of lipgloss and matching black eyeshadow that was probably way too dark for me but I let them have their fun anyway.

Now I was staring at myself in the mirror in shock at just how good I looked, not that I thought it'd necessarily turn out bad, "This looks- wow." I murmured and Spencer tapped my ass. "You look wow."

I grinned and turned to the three girls in my bedroom who looked equally as wow.

"Please refrain from leaving with men, we will be drunk all together when we get back to my place." Both Kauai and Spencer pouted at Kiana's words and I giggled softly, not much caring because i'd already made the earlier plan of not going out of the place with any man.

My phone buzzed on the table and Kauai picked it up for me, a hand outstretched to pass till she saw the name. "Its your man." She joked and I snorted.

She was talking about Declan.

"I haven't met him but theres just- well yeah no." Spence said as Kiana did her eyeliner causing her to snort. "He's okay, average looking and what not."

"He's nice." I said with a pointed look. 

"Kids are nice too but you're not gonna date a kid are you?"

"Well He's my age."

"Older men for the win." Spencer added, which was actually quite unrelated.

"Well im not gonna be dating someones dad." I joked and Kauai coughed causing me to blink, whipping around to look at her. "Are you dating a dad?" I asked her and she looked up from her hands. "No girl."

"She's working for a hot one."

I think I choked. "What!"

"Shut up Ki, he's not- okay he is, but no." 

"Can I meet said Dilf?" Spencer asked sweetly and I almost laughed.

"He's my other boss!" She hissed and I wiggled my brows. "How old is he?"

She blinked. "Thirty but of course he's- well hot."

"How olds the kid?"

"Two." She said and I let my lower lip pour out. "Wheres the mom?"

"How should I know guys?" She mumbled as she shrugged, "I just babysit sometimes."

"Sometimes? You went there after work a lot last week."

"He goes out a lot at night, he probably is dating someone." She mumbled as she resumed picking on her finger nails once again and I gasped. "You're jealous!"

"I am not!"

"Thats not even an age gap! Just date him." Spencer added and it was true, She was only 24.

6 years is fine at her age.

"Its not about the ages, like at all, im just not gonna date my boss, plus I don't know if I want any kids yet."

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