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I was really confused when Rhys had came up to my brothers office to take me away after work in his car and not just let me drive home on my own.

I didn't question it though, but what left me even more confused, was when we were not going home.

"Where are we going?" I ask him as I look out the window to the beach. We had already passed our house sometime ago but were still driving down the long road.

"You ask too many questions."

"I thought you would've gathered that by now." I say with a small smile and he rolls his eyes, not replying, definitely avoiding answering my question.

"Would you kill me and dump me in the ocean?"

"Calliope you're a little insane." He says dryly and I giggle, shaking my head, "Im just curious, pregnancy scares put me on edge." I joke which he just rolls his eyes at once again.

No reply though.

Seriously? What was going on?

"Oh and I need to get a new IUD so no sex."

I swear the car swerved a little at that. "Today?"

"Till I get a new one." I say, blowing hot air on the window before I draw small stars on it, bored from how long we've been driving and my phone was dead in my pocket, so I had nothing else to do right now.

"When're you gonna do that?" He asks me which makes me raise a brow. "I guess when I have the time to."

He hums, and we're silent for a moment. Just my even breathing heard as well as the soft tapping of my foot on the car floor.

"How soon?"

Oh my goodness.

"Bloody hell Rhys, i'll make an appointment tomorrow." I say with a slap to my forehead, looking to him beside me and he nods. "Good idea."

"You're such an idiot." I say as I laugh softly to myself and he shrugs, turning into some house's driveway and I blink at it, my eyes widening as a thought dawns me.


"Don't assume, or question, just wait for a moment." He says quickly, opening his door and I blink as he closes it and walks around to my side.

He opens my door and I unbuckle the seatbelt before I hold my hand out and he takes it in his, intertwining our fingers.

When he closes the door behind me I stare at the house.

Its closer to the beaches sand, but further away from other houses, and it looks like a double story, and its so damn big but so damn beautiful.

"It has a balcony." He says after we walk to the front door, and my eyes zero in on the key he takes out from his pocket almost immediately.

He unlocks the door and I walk in behind him, looking to the huge kitchen, even bigger than the one at the bakery, "And it has a walking in freezer."

I grin widely. I love that. He knows I love that.

"And the floors are wooden because you think thats homey."

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