Chapter 44

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Another week passes like a drag.

Another week of texting and calling and falling asleep on our calls and honestly, I had a new found respect for people who made long distance work because everyday felt like hell.

I wanted him here, ninety percent of the time just for the little things like watching tv and eating together, or grocery shopping and playing board games that I always cheated on and he always let me but still he'd always point it out when we were done playing.

I missed him everyday.

And on Saturday the following week I left work early, moments after finding out what time Rhys would be back.

I'd ended up in his house with the key he'd given me before he left, reading comics on his bedroom floor, my legs up on the bed but lower body laying back on the wooden floor and I sighed after finishing one of the comics with pictures, one of the older ones and proceeded to get up to find another.

Just for a paper to fall out from inside the book and I blinked at it before I took it to put it away, my eyes straying to the picture that was not just a paper and I stared, a small smile gracing my lips when I saw it was a picture of Rhys's entire family except for his father, plus a women I assume was Elizabeth- his mother. 

My brother wasn't in here and I wondered if he was the one taking the pictures since everyone was in there, which made my smile widen.

It was Rhys's graduation and it was four pictures, I looked down to each picture, the first one he looked fairly annoyed with everyone crowded near him, the second all his sisters hugged him, none of the guys in it and he looked down to them with a small smile, two of the girls pressed to his left and the other two on the other side, all grinning widely, and he let them, even if he was annoyed and my heart completely freaking melted.

The third picture was with my brother the two kinda grimaced at one another and I couldn't help but laugh, they'd probably told them to hug or something for that reaction.

I hadn't went for my brothers graduation but I have a photo of him in my picture pile back at home. I'd made a mental note to ask Rhys if I could have this picture when he got home.

The very last picture was with just his mother, she wiped his cheek and he looked annoyed but still adorable as he rolled his eyes with a smile.

Where was his father in all of this?

I stared at Rhys in every picture, he was always earth shatteringly handsome, his hair shorter but still curly and his smile just as perfect as it is now.

He looked happy and yet I still felt a little hint of sadness at the fact that he'd never spoke about his mother before.


He looked to be on good terms with her but this was practically seven years ago, times changes, so I couldn't be sure if they were actually fine now.

"Calli?" I heard a yell come from downstairs and I immediately grinned from ear to ear as I put the pictures back down, springing up from where I was and opened the door, running downstairs and when I saw him walk to the kitchen I literally let out a screech.

I ran down the remaining stairs and jumped onto his back and he groaned, not expecting it and I peppered kisses all over his neck.

"You're home." I murmured against his neck, shoving my face against his skin and sighing because he was really here and I really missed him and he smelled absolutely amazing and I wanted to lick him.

He moved us back till I sat down on the edge of the counter before he turned around and picked me up again. I hugged him tighter this time, feeling a kiss to my cheek that made me smile.

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