Chapter 55

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"You cheated."

I feign a gasp at his accusation. "I would never, ever, ever cheat." I say with a small smile lingering on my face, a smile that I couldn't get down for the life of me, which of course makes him not believe me one bit.

"I saw you cheat." Rhys deadpans as I blink back at him, feeling the cards rub at my stomach beneath the towel as I shift around on the bed till I'm in a more comfortable position.

"I did not."

Suddenly he moves closer to me and sticks his arm down my towel and I yelped as I pressed the towel to my body to keep it from slipping off.

"This is very inappropriate!" I fake a scold, seconds before he pulled the four cards out of the towel, raising a brow at me and I feel my cheeks redden.

"Oh wow, how'd that get in there?" I mumbled off as he hummed, dropping the cards to the bed with the rest of it, shaking his head at me, "You're so funny." He says dryly, definitely sarcastically.

I only giggle. "I know." I say as I get up with my towel still wrapped around my body, realizing i'd been sitting there and had forced him to play card games with me instead of changing into something comfortable.

"I love that you live with me."

"Why?" I yelled out in question from the bathroom as I slip a shirt of his over my body, only my underwear on underneath it and when I walked out the bathroom to see a smile grace his handsome face, I raise a brow.

"Thats why."

I rolled my eyes at that, pulling my hair out from inside the t-shirt i'd put on, "I'd like it more if you didn't overwork me." I tease, propping my hands on my hips with a mock glare and he cocks his head to the side a little, getting off the bed and crossing the distance between us.


"You have a very high libido Blackburn." I joked as he grabbed me at my waist and picked me up causing a squeak to leave my mouth, my legs wrapping around his waist and hands pressed down on his shoulders, "Rhys!"

"You talk a lot." He mumbles against my skin as he kisses up my neck and I roll my eyes as I move back.

"I love talking." I wiggled my brows suggestively at my words and he smirks lightly, laying me back down to the bed, pushing the cards off of the side of it just as his lips meet mine and I moan into his mouth.

My body arches off the bed, pressing against his own, trapped between his body and the mattress as he hovered over me, our kisses growing harder and needier.

I moved in a couple of weeks ago and sex was almost a daily thing, almost every second day, and even if its been weeks, I still ached for him to be touching me, all the damn time.

Holding hands, a hug, a kiss, anything.

Maybe I was the clingy one.

I interlock my ankles behind his back, hands running up the back of his neck when his lips came in contact with my throat and I whimpered when he nipped at my skin, leaving marks of his love on me.

I physically couldn't think about anything else but Rhys whenever we were together. It was like he was my focal point. My start and my end. He was everything to me in the best of ways.

I let my hands slide down his body, down to the hem of his t-shirt and I tug it up his body, and I love when our hands meet at the top before he drops it back and I kissed him harder, hand on his jaw, lips on his.

My tongue slides into his mouth and his slipped to mine, moving against mine, tasting mine, loving mine.

His hands sliding up the shirt I was wearing, circling my nipples and I whimpered softly when the cold air hit it as he bunched the shirt up around my shoulders.

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