Chapter 17

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Maybe I was a little too determined to get Rhys to actually eat one of the cakes i'd made, because now I was on to 4 difference types of cheesecake, each cut to form a midi sized cheesecake, but not all too sweat, just sweet enough, caramel cheesecake, key lime cheesecake, plain cheesecake and my favorite- strawberry cheesecake.

It was his birthday today and he'd said he didn't like well, all desserts, so this was the next best thing, a mini cheesecake.

It was in a cute white box with a single candle taped to the top on the inside, a smiley face there too with my number on it, since I still felt like it was awkward that we didn't have that at least, as well as the nickname he used for me beside it.

I put my hat on since we'd all decided to lock up early and lounge out on the pier, I left it on since then and now walked inside the building, and even at around 3pm this place was busier than ever.

I made way to the last elevator, even though people were already inside, I just waited for everyone to get out which was probably 10 minutes later, then I put the key in and tapped my foot anxiously as I waited to get to the 46th floor.

When I got there I felt like turning back around and just leaving because what the hell? What if he was busy?!


But I didn't, because if he was busy i'd go in myself and leave it in his office and run away. Yep, good plan.

A little part of me hoped he was busy now.

I strolled through, ignoring short glances my way until I got to the receptionist and blinked in confusion, this was not miss Emma.

This was a- well, it was a man. A man who was definitely not Emma.

"Hi." I said softly, a little confused as I stared at him and he looked to me from behind the desk. "Hello."

"Wheres Emma?" I asked him stupidly and even he rose a brow. "Who?"

Of course he had no idea who Emma was.

"When'd you start working here?"

"Like a week now." He answered as he eyed me warily, probably wondering who the hell was I to come and interrogate him, which he had a point for doing.

I blinked bashfully and cleared my throat. "Is Emrhys here?"

He nodded.

"Can I go in, im a-" His best friends sister? Uh yeah, no. "A friend of his, Calliope."

He shrugged and let me go in causing me to almost snort at how easy it was to get in his office now.

But then again, if I could get on this floor it meant I had a key, which meant I knew one of either Rhys or Ambrose, so...

Without too much thinking I walked over to the door, wrapping a hand around the door handle, tapping it with my nude painted finger nails for a second till I took a deep breath and opened the door without even so much as knocking, hoping he wasn't doing something inappropriate.

My eyes widened at the thought of him doing something inappropriate and I almost choked. Oh hell. I was an actual mess.

I shook my head of that very interesting image and slipped in, closing the door behind me just to see him indeed not doing anything inappropriate.

Should I be thankful or feel robbed?

He looked up from the papers he'd been busy with at the sound of the door closing and I felt like a damn deer caught in head lights.

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