Chapter 7

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I was currently buying stuff for my bakery- my bakery.

Goodness, I couldn't believe I had my own bakery now, something that really belonged to me, something that I loved more than anything else and was my own.

I was venturing through isles and dropping things into my cart after my brother had practically shoved his bank card into my shoulder bag and pushed me out the house and over to Felix's car.

Sometimes I really wanted to wack him upside the head but I knew he meant well, he always did, he was more my best friend than my brother at this point and actually I was kinda surprised, specifically because of how easily we'd fall into our routines, the distance between us hadn't strained on the brother and sister bond which was something that I knew was quite common for some people.

I guess we got used to being one another's support systems from afar, especially since we were all we had left.

Or well, he was all I had left, and my uncle, Spencer too so actually never mind, I was quite grateful for the people I had remaining in my life, but my brother was my biggest silent support system, always has been, even if that silent support was an 8 hour flight away.

When I was done shopping even Felix was shocked at the sheer amount of stuff I had, two carts filled with everything i'd need, this excluding all the actual food items and stuff i'd need to paint and design the place, but Ambrose said he'd have that under control, admittedly that made me a little mad but he tapped my head like he usually did and ignored my death glare.

He wanted to help me but still, he'd done so much for me already, hell he lets me stay with him without paying for absolutely anything, except that I made a mental note to tell him i'd chip in by buying all the groceries for the house, which was a lot because we both ate like truckers.

He should take it as repayment for paying the lease of my bakery and like- most of practically everything else for it.

Which I thought was unfair on his part, I wasn't his burden to take care of but im sure if I told him that he'd quite literally tell me to go away or leave him alone.

An absolute sweetheart, I must say.

Later today i'll remind him that i'd get the stuff and design the place myself, which I preferred to anyway, i'd shop for the stuff myself too, maybe get a job and open up later but honestly I wasn't living up to it, I could feel the doubt creep up on me already, he wouldn't budge and thats just a fact.

"Did you leave anything for the store to sell?"

I rolled my eyes, faking a chuckle. "So funny."

He grinned. "I know."

I smirked and went to the back as he did too, helping me put the stuff into the trunk. "What're you gonna call it?"

"Sweeney Sweets."

He chuckled and my grin only widened into a proud one.

I loved the name, plus it wasn't just about me, it was Sweeneys, meaning my brother and I, but I wouldn't tell him that because he'd never let me live it down if I did admit it.

"That's actually kinda clever."

"Right? Im really excited." I admitted as I packed the next packet, and the next. Not admitting the other half of what I was thinking.

To be honest, I was also extremely nervous, worried this all of this wouldn't go well and i'd have to watch my dreams crumble right before my very eyes, that i'd end up working for someone else and not achieve my own dream bakery.

But I couldn't get all pessimistic about it before I even had the chance to try, I need to see first, work first and have everything established before I set my mind on a downfall that would hopefully never come.

"Is that all you need?" He questioned as we got into the car and I nodded, putting my seatbelt on and over my body. Im actually really exhausted now, but I still needed to drop the things off at the bakery.

Plus all I did today was walk around and buy things for the place. I didn't want to seem like some lazy 20 year old leeching off her brother who works more than any normal person ever should.

"Well I think it is." I replied, mentally going through all my purchased items before another thing struck me, "But we have to go put the things away, so that'll be fun." I grinned at him mischievously which he did not return, instead he rolled his eyes. "I beg to differ."

"You don't have to beg when speaking to me Felix, we're friends."

"I'd pinch you if your brother wasn't my employer."

That only made my smile deepen.

I yawned and shifted in the seat, laying back, melting into the leather and wondering what Spencer was doing right now. At the sudden thought of my best friend I slipped my phone out my jacket pocket, texting her and awaiting her text back.

Spencer and I had already spoken quite a few times this week, usually she'd update me on whats been going on in her life, what she'd been doing and sometimes even sending me her written poetry.

She was good at it, but she'd hated to admit that she wrote poetry anymore, specifically because her previous girlfriend had told her it was much too weird. I felt bad for her, because she enjoyed writing it and her ex had no right to take that away from her.

Seconds later a ding sounded from my phone and I opened her text, frowning at the fact that it was a message about my ex, Michael. He'd apparently sent flowers to my apartment, which almost made me roll my eyes because I was allergic to pollen and he couldn't have even remembered that little fact about me.

Me: Urg, throw them away.

I texted that back before I added quickly.

Me: OR keep them since the flowers didn't do anything wrong and they're pretty unlike that jerk!:)

She sent me a string of laughing emoji's which seemed to have lightened the mood.

"What're you smiling at?"

"That's inappropriate to ask Felix, what if I was sexting?" I spoke casually, looking over to see him snort out a little chuckle.

In all honesty, I'd always been scared of sexting because of, one, your digital footprint, and two, I was kinda of a prude, well not exactly since I wasn't a virgin, but I wasn't Ms Jessica Rabbit either.

"You're a weird kid."

"Im almost twenty one!" Just like- 3 months away.

"Twenty one is a teenager in my opinion."

I rolled my eyes with a little giggle I couldn't contain which he'd shook his head at.

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