Chapter 10

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"Anna!" Percy giggled stumbling forwards the little girl whose curls were tight and short. She was the most adorable five year girl old ever.

"Huh?" She yelled not looking up from her coloring book.

"Come!" He yelled grabbing her hand and pulling her out of her backyard and into his. (Percy's and Annabeth parents were so close they decided to connect there backyards so Percy and Annabeth can easily play with each other without worrying;)

"Ughhh." She groaned catching up with her neighbor. Walking into Percy's house they were greeted with Sally.

"Annabeth! Oh sweetie!" She bent down and kissed Annabeth's cheeks, Annabeth instantly smiled and laughed.

"Hi!" She shyly responded even after knowing Sally for her whole life.

"Here guess what I-" Sally started until Percy screamed.

"NO DONT TELL HER MOMMY!!" Both girls turned to stare at him and he blushed. "I wanted to show her..."

Sally laughed and covered her mouth,"Oops!" She shook her head slightly and ran upstairs after hearing the phone ring.

"Tell me!" Annabeth crossed her arms after Percy lead her to the kitchen.

"Fine!.....Mom made cookies!"

Annabeth never left the Jackson house.

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"Annabeth hurry up!!" Percy groaned tapping his foot like the ADHD boy he was. He soon started pacing outside of her room.

"Hey Perce!" Mr. Chase greeted coming up the stairs and laughing at the pacing Percy. "Girls take forever to get ready don't they? Have fun on your first day of eighth grade!" He chuckled slightly going into his 'study room'.

"I told you to come at seven thirty not at seven! It's your fault!" Annabeth yelled from her bedroom. Percy groaned.

"Yeah well it's not my fault my mom woke me up early and I couldn't go back to sleep!"

"Well I told you I was going to shower and you know that takes me at least fifteen minutes alone." Annabeth countered.

"Well....shut up!" Percy groaned and heard Annabeth laugh. Fifteen minutes later she came out, freshly showered with her hair kind of damp and in a ponytail with her shorts, converse, and flannel. The usual.

"Finally," Percy grumbled.

"Seaweed Brain, you know I wake up at seven, shower, and get out at seven fifteen. Then get ready and I'm out at seven thirty. Than I go to-"

"Hush." Percy said plainly covering her mouth with his hand. Annabeth glared at him and he shrugged.

"Bye Athena!" Percy yelled walking out of Annabeth's house.

"Bye Mom!" Annabeth yelled swinging her backpack over her shoulder joining Percy on the porch.

"It's about fifteen minutes away from think you won't die?" Annabeth smirked.

"Oh trust me I'm going to win this time." Percy grinned.

"Maybe...NOT." Annabeth yelled running.

"Hey!" Percy yelled running through his own secret route to school.

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