Chapter 13

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I decided to post Annabeth's outfit cuz I felt like it and I'm super duper duper bored me had nothing else to do;/

Mrs. Perez POV
Today I was going to meet Luke's dad, again. That boy is always getting in trouble, never pays attention, gets into fights, somehow splashes people with water, and yet has straight A's. Well, I always talk to Percy and all he does is nod, apologizes, says Luke will improve, and the next day Luke is still doing what he's not suppose to be doing. Eighth graders these days...

"Perfect." I muttered, glancing at my reflection on the mirror. Admiringly, Luke's dad was kind attractive. His messy raven black hair, strong muscular build, he also looked really young (age 25 kind of young) even though he was 34! I was 30, not that it made a difference. I never saw Luke's mom, and I also never saw a ring on Percy's finger the two times I saw him this past month so....

I glanced at the clock, 4:30. He should be here right about now. Right after that thought came in a person. Expecting Percy and Luke I was greeted by a lady and Luke. Tall, tan, skinny, and pretty. She looked late twenties early thirties and was wearing a pantsuit. Sun glasses rested in her nose as her heels clicked as she walked over to me. She looked like a model, modeling working clothes.

"Hello, I'm Annabeth." The lady smiled, taking her sunglasses off reveling startlingly bright gray eyes. Who was she? An older cousin? Relative? Aunt?

"Ms. Perez, nice to meet you." I shook her hand as she sat in front of my desk, Luke beside her. He looked bored.

"So may I ask who are you?" I asked, Annabeth laughed.

"Oh sorry, I'm Luke's mother. Sorry we haven't met before, Percy always got out of work earlier than me so he came but today I got out early." She explained, Luke smiled.

"Oh how nice to meet you..." I said trying not to sound disappointed that Percy wasn't coming.

"But, Percy should be here any minute-"

"I thought dad wasn't coming!?" Luke exclaimed with wide eyes, cutting off Annabeth.

Annabeth rolled her eyes,"Of coarse he is Luke, he's coming with Bianca."

"Greeeaattt." Luke groaned.

"Wait....Bianca? Jackson? Is your daughter too?!" I exclaimed.

"Of coarse! Me and Percy have two kids, Luke and Bianca. We've been married since we were both twenty." Annabeth explained. I gaped.


"Yeah, we had Luke a year later." Annabeth said and suddenly Percy came into the classroom.

"Hey sorry I'm late!" He exclaimed breathless, Bianca skipping in, looking calm and happy.

"You better be Seaweed Brain." Annabeth smirked, walking up to kiss him. My heart clenched painfully as I stared at the perfect couple.

"I am Wise Girl," Percy promised. Bianca came to Luke and he smiled at her, kissing her cheek.

"Hey princess." Luke brought his little sister to his lap.

"Hey Ms. Perez." Percy greeted politely, he shook my hand and sat behind Annabeth. With the family in front of me I began.

"Call me Monica Percy, well as you should now, the usual. Him not paying attention, wetting kids with water bottles, getting into fights and not telling us why?!" I listed, Annabeth rolled her eyes and glared at Luke who buried his head into his little sisters hair.

"Hey, why do you even care if I don't pay attention? I get straight A's anyways, pass all of my tests, do all my homework!" Luke scoffed.

Annabeth nodded. "Exactly." She said.

"Wetting kids with water bottles and getting into fights?" I asked and I saw Luke's arm tighten around Bianca.

"Well I'm sorry if I want to defend my little sister from bullies! You should be getting mad at them not me!" Luke glared, his green eyes surprisingly scary.

"You should've told us Luke." I stated simply, happy I was getting some answers.

"I have tried! You guys just never listen-" Luke was cut off by the water bottle near the edge of my desk, the cap popping up to the ceiling, the water falling onto the floor and some on my clothes.

"LUKE!" Percy and Annabeth yelled, their eyes wide. Luke widened his eyes, and started sputtering apologies.

"Here let me get some napkins." I exclaimed, running to my class closet. After five minuets trying to find them I came out to see the water all gone. "Where..?"

"Tissues." Percy exclaimed, holding up the tissue box. Bianca laughed and Annabeth suddenly stood up.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Perez, I'm sorry but it's not Luke's fault honestly talk to those bullies who bully Bianca and Luke instead. We're leaving!" Annabeth muttered her face pink. The Jackson family shuffled out leaving me there, my new dress wet.

"Really!?" I groaned.

--- Third Person ---

"That was hilarious!" Percy laughed, getting into the car. Annabeth gaped at him.

"No that wasn't! It was so embarrassing! Luke! What did we tell you!? You have to control your emotions," Annabeth turned to her son who nodded, a smile on his face, suddenly Annabeth started laughing too.

"In my defense you should blame dad! He's the one with the Poseidon powers who gave it to me soooo..." Luke smirked as Annabeth nodded.

"What!? No way! Be happy that Bianca has no water powers...." Percy shivered at the thought of his devious little girl having water powers.

"Yes I do! I can talk to horses and breathe underwater!" She put in and Annabeth glared at Percy as he groaned.

"Bianca! Your not helping me out here!" Bianca shrugged, playing with her doll.

"I like how I got mommy's powers, being smart is fun!" Bianca grinned cheekily.

"SAAMMMEEE!!" Luke yelled. The siblings high fived.

"I'm happy too because than you would've turned out like your dad, a Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said to Luke. Percy glared at his wife.

"Anyways, mom did you see how disappointed Mrs. Perez was when you said dad wasn't going!" Luke laughed.

"Oh my gods, Percy I cannot believe how oblivious you are. She was so hitting on you!" Annabeth sighed, smiling a bit.

"What!? How!?" Percy exclaimed, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Call me Monica!" Luke mimicked and Annabeth laughed.

"When I told her you were coming later she looked like a kid on Christmas morning. We really need to get our wedding rings back from Aphrodite." Annabeth chided, making Percy wrinkle his nose.

"Please stop, this is disturbing, and yeah we do!" Percy shivered and Annabeth kissed his cheek.

"You guys show way to much PDA, I mean come on, your children are right here!" Luke groaned, Bianca squealing.

"It's so cute! They're like Rapunzel and Eugene from Tangled!" Bianca sighed dreamily as her parents blushed.

"Aw look they're blushing." Luke teased.

"I swear we are the weirdest family...ever." Annabeth sighed, smiling.

Not my best work buuuuttt, comment if you liked it!

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