Chapter 68

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Annabeth was thrown against the wall and she huffed out a groan before getting up slowly on her elbows. She saw Clarisse lunge at the Manticore and was to dizzy to see the outcome of that. She grabbed her dagger from a few feet away. With a grunt from her bruised bones she lunged again. She wasn't going to give up now.

They killed the beast. A new set of bruises for Annabeth, as usual.

Percy had sprained his left wrist, leaving him scowling the entire time. "This is not fair, how am I going to fight?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes, grabbing the bandage to wrap around his wrist. "Percy, it'll heal in a few days with ambrosia. And you hold Riptide with your right hand, Seaweed Brain." She smiled after wrapping it correctly. "I'm just glad it was just a sprain." She sighed, putting away the medical supplies.

Percy grinned. "Well, I'm glad you didn't get nothing more then bruises."

Annabeth's wind was knocked out of her as she felt arms wrap around her waist, pulling her onto the ground. Percy had pushed her away just as the monster clawed towards her. The pair went rolling down a little hill and when they finally steadied on the ground, Percy was groaning.

"I must say, my form was pretty perfect. That dive-"

Annabeth huffed, breathless, "Oh shut up Seaweed Brain." Annabeth hugged him tightly, as she always did. "Thank you."

Percy refused to shiver as her lips brushed his ear, and just rested his chin on her shoulder.

Percy was pretty sure when they found him, he was going to be dead. The scenario reminded him of the scorpion bite he received when he was twelve.

Biting back the pain, Percy groaned his vision muddling together. Since when were there random monsters in the woods of Camp? Percy never got the memo. He ached to be near a lake. Percy wanted to hold his torn up stomach to make the pain go away, but he couldn't even lift his finger. His body felt numb pain. Percy gulped, sweat pouring down his cheeks.

"Help," he muttered uselessly, feeling ludicrous. Percy managed to haul himself against a rock, his breathing becoming short. A sudden image of his mom made him suck in his breath, his eyes stinging. Percy couldn't die now, he just couldn't.

Percy let his eyes slip closed, his fingers tainted in blood. He had only closed his eyes for what felt like a second before he felt a hand on his chin, harshly pulling him back.

"Percy! What the-" Annabeth exclaimed, seeing Percy in a bloody mess.

"Hm?" He said, his eyes threatening to close. Percy didn't know whether to be grateful or feel more guilty that Annabeth was there. He felt like his life was slipping by moment, what a peaceful death that'd be, with Annabeth.

"Percy, come on, Apollo campers are on there way now-" Annabeth begged, next to him, helping him sit up. Percy's head lolled to her shoulder.

"Annabeth... tired." He mumbled, his weight making Annabeth sit down with a thump. She let out a frustrated groan, tears streaming down her face.

"Percy. Listen." She demanded. "If you die, what will your mom think? You can't die-" She cut herself off, he just couldn't die.

The beeping of his own heartbeat was getting very frustrating. It was loud and continuous, he didn't know why he wanted the sound to go away. Because if it did, it'd mean he died. And Percy didn't want to die yet. Especially in a coma. He didn't want to die in a coma.

Besides his own heartbeat, there was one thing he didn't find frustrating. The blond that never let his hand go. His body felt like it weighed tons, and he felt tired after he tried to raise his finger. So his hand lay supple against hers as she held his fingers. The small deed always calmed him down.

Now Percy was sure she was asleep. He heard her soft breathing, her hand slack with his, her blonde hair tickling his arm, her forehead against his side, her lavender-lemon-ish scent.

"Did you change his bandages-"

"Sh! Annabeth is sleeping, you idiot."

"Sorry?" The voice whispered. The voice continue to talk, but their voices were so distant Percy felt himself slip away.

"Are you sure? I can help-"

Percy sighed. "Annabeth. I'm fine. I can do this." He reassured her. He pulled one of her curls behind her ear and she grimaced.

"But you-"

He tapped her mouth. "Nope. I'm doing this myself Wise Girl." Annabeth stepped away and it took five minutes for Percy to sit up in bed and stand up. He was already tired.

"You can do this." Annabeth whispered, almost reassuring herself. He grinned.

Annabeth groaned as her head got knocked against the wall. It would've been worst if Percy hadn't pushed her out of the way.

"Why do I feel like I save your life way too much?" He panted, hugging her. They always hugged after saving each other's lives. Unintentionally. And even if it was in the middle of a battle.

"We're demigods, Seaweed Brain."

Percy was sweaty, with his hair planted to his forehead but he grinned. Annabeth's heart fluttered.

Percy frowned when he saw her purple bruise on her forehead. "What is that?"

Annabeth looked at him strangely. "A bruise? You know, an injury appearing as an area of discolored skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact-"

He pressed his hands over her mouth. "Very funny miss little dictionary. I mean, where did you get that from??"

She smiled. "Remember when you pushed me away from that monster? I hit my head against the wall."

Percy kissed her forehead. "Sorry about that."

Annabeth smiled a little, and barely noticed how close Percy was until her nose touched his. She blinked. Percy felt her eyelash graze his face. Her uneven breathing stopping when Percy kissed her. She loved the way Percy kissed her like she was his salvation. Annabeth just tightened her grip on his side. Percy ignored the way her nails dug into back. Or the way her curls tickled his cheek. Just focused on her, and her pressing lips. When they pulled back, panting, they walked away.

They were fighting back to back on a quest. Annabeth pushed Percy away as it swiped the air, throwing her dagger at its chest. The monster disappeared and Annabeth laughed as she now was sitting in his stomach. "I saved you, yet again." She kissed him and got off of him. Percy blinked, his mouth open, and grinned slowly.

"Why you little smart-"

"Oh shut up Seaweed Brain. Kiss me again." And he did.

Eh this one was more friendship. Not one of my best. I didn't do any grammar checks too :(
Just reunited with my internet bestie, so happy 💓

{May 2, 2016}

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