Chapter 24

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Kinda short...

"PERCY!" I yelled, banging my fist against his cabin door. When will that stupid, arrogant, loyal, attractive boy open the door!!?? Wait.

"WHAT?! Do you want." He abruptly opened the door and my breath caught in my throat as I saw his shirtless chest.
But I quickly recovered in seconds.

"Chiron said today we'll be having a private training session all day after breakfast, so hurry up and shower or whatever." I stated plainly and he groaned, letting me into his cabin. I smirked after I saw his pile of clothing in a corner.

"Hey, it's not like I have time to clean!" He complained and I rolled my eyes.

"Suure Seaweed Brain." I laughed and he glared before walking into the bathroom. After I heard the shower run, I sighed, my shoulders slumped, and I crashed into his bed. I couldn't sleep a wink last night. I kept thinking, I couldn't stop thinking. Aout? Well a certain green eyed boy along with a handsome blue eyed one.

I never had nicknames with Jason, like I do with Percy.
I never actually giggled at something Jason had said, like I do with Percy (it was only once I swear).
I never had Jason's shirtless image stuck in my mind like I do with Percy...unfortunately.
I never actually took every sentence that came out of Jason's mouth and thought it meant something else...
I never blushed beet red when Jason would wrap his arm around my shoulders.
I never let Jason tickle me like I let Percy...sometimes.
I never sat next to Jason on his bed....not as often as Percy and me do it.
I never ran my fingers through Jason's hair when he did anything stupid...but he never did anything stupid.

Percy=8 Jason=0

I never let Percy lay next to me on his bed like I did with Jason...
I never kissed Percy's cheek or lips like I did with Jason.
I never went to Percy when I had nightmares in the middle of the night.
I never- I never had fun like how I do with Percy. Fun. I haven't had actual fun until Percy came around. Like, sure, I had a few fun moments but not as much as I had with Percy.

Jason never took me anywhere, not even when we went to dates. Yet here is Percy waltzing into my life not knowing a single thing about me (not yet anyway), and taking me underwater in huge bubbles, teaching me how to properly ride a pegasus, sneaking out past curfew to do sparing, letting me stay in his cabin as much as I wanted to...Percy was just so, laid back. Yes that's the word.

Jason always kicked me out after curfew, Jason was always too cautious, a good boy. It felt good to have a little rebel at my side. Percy was also a challenge, he was amazing at swordsmanship. Better than Jason. Percy let me win, or he won, it was perfect. Jason always always had let me win, only a few times did he beat me.

WHAT AM I SAYING!!??? Jason is my boyfriend...but I'm falling for somebody else.

Percy=10000000000 Jason=1000000

"You okay?" I heard a voice say and I than noticed that I was sprawled on Percy's bed, my face buried in his pillow, inhaling his delicious scent. I jumped slightly and looked up, to see Percy's hair dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his waist. His eyebrows were scrunched up together, looking absolutely adorable with his worried expression.

"Im fine Seaweed Brain, now go change!" Before I die preferably, I added mentally. Percy rolled his eyes and disappeared once again to the bathroom. I sighed before walking up to a fountain that he had in the corner of his room. The sound alone relaxed me, the water slowly falling from one shell to another, finally landing in a pool of crystal clear water. I looked at my reflection and sighed in disappointment. What does Jason see in me? What would Percy even see in me?

"You need to wake up!" Percy came up from behind me and I jumped again.

"Stop doing that!" I groaned and he smirked evilly. "Percy whatever you're thinking is not a good idea." I instantly said and I felt a shiver rise up my spine before all my clothes turned damp. And when I mean damp, I mean dripping wet."PERCY!!" I yelled," GET ME DRY AGAIN!!"

He laughed really hard and I stomped over to him and punched him in the arm. He stopped and feigned hurt.

"That hurt Wise Girl!"

"Yeah well, to bad. Now take this water off me!"

"Fiiine." He complained and grabbed my hand. Another shiver coursed through my body and I felt like I was standing in front of a heater.

"That feels weird." I squeaked and he chuckled.

"Come on." We both walked out his cabin to the sparring area.

"I'm hungry though I'd didn't eat," Percy complained and I shrugged.

"Wake up earlier."

"You just want to get beat don't you Wise Girl."

"Psh, in your dreams."

"Whatever." Percy took off his shirt.

"W-What do you think you're doing!?" I exclaimed, frowning, trying to keep from staring.

"I'm distracting you Wise Girl, I thought you were suppose to be wise?" He smirked and I blushed. Nononononono....

"I hate you!" I growled and he shrugged.

"You love me." That did it. We spent almost and entire 30 minuets, blocking each others hits, trying to hurt each there and I almost succeeded if I had not decided to stupidly just have one glance at his flat stomach. My mistake. In a flash, he had tackled me to the floor, with Riptide at my neck.

"Yield Annabeth yield!" He hissed and I was to much in shock to respond. I couldn't have anyways considering my dagger was laying a few feet away from me. What I hadn't expected at all was a blistering ache in my stomach when Percy's lips settled over mine. I gasped into his mouth and shiver when Percy calloused hands slip under my shirt, spanning my back, bringing me closer to him. He smiled softly before passionately returning the hungry kiss, I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, getting into a more comfortable position. After a few intense seconds we pulled apart, breathless, and hungry for more.

I stared at him as he did with me and came to a silent agreement, and Percy latched his lips over mine again.

Maybe Jason ever forgive me but this was the right choice for me.

Comment if you loved it💘
[June 1,2015]
QOTC: What year was Percy born??
AOTC: I'll say it next chapter😂😂🐒

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