Chapter 71

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A Short Drabble to get me started ...

They met at a fundraiser at school. He was the firefighter smiling and giving out stickers and pamphlets to the teenagers, and she was the high school teacher.

"Oh my gosh, have you seen that firefighter? He's so hot." A girl whisper exclaimed, and Annabeth raised her brows.

"Oh really Amanda?" She said.

Amanda nodded enthusiastically, not seeming to care that she just got caught talking about hot guys. "Ms. Chase, I ship it."

"Ship what?"

Another girl suddenly came up next to Amanda and grinned. "Same. Ms. Chase, you and that guy of course. It's that guy over there, no, to your left- bingo."

Okay, even Annabeth had to admit (though reluctantly) he was very attractive. His black hair fell over his forehead, pointing up in every direction. He was tall, lean, and muscular. But not overly muscular like the other guys standing a few feet away. His pants and white shirt outlined his muscles. And, come to think of it, he kind of looked like-

"Matthew Daddario." Annabeth voiced and the two girls laughed.

"Exactly! Come on Miss, he's totally attractive." Yes he was.

"Come on ladies, stop checking out firefighters and actually look at the tables." Annabeth crossed her arms and the two girls pouted. "While we're at it, let's look for Ms. McLean and the other group."

The two sighed and with knowing smirks started talking, making their way towards the table. "Girls!" Annabeth exclaimed, but the two had already walked up to the blonde and Chinese firefighters at the table.

"Hello, are you guys interested in taking a few pamphlets?" The blonde one smiled, handing the girls packets.

"Or stickers?" The Matthew Daddario look alike asked. He was suddenly standing right next to Annabeth and she smiled, a little surprised by the strong smell of cologne he carried.

Annabeth forced herself to speak and not just stare. "Thank you." He was grinning, handing her a sticker with the fire department emblem.

"No problem, here you go ladies." He handed the girls stickers and the shyly mumbled 'thank you'. Instantly, the blonde and the Chinese guy started talking to the teenage girls, opening pamphlets and starting their speeches.

"Hey, I'm Percy." He has green eyes.

"I'm Annabeth." Am I blushing?? How embarrassing. Then again, a pink blush dusted his cheeks as well.

"So, uh, you are a high school teacher?" Percy said, placing his stickers on the table and putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, I teach freshman and sophomores. And you, well, are a fire fighter." Annabeth said awkwardly. Thankfully, he laughed.

"That I am. For a couple years now. It's a risky job, especially having to wake up at the middle of the night about twice a week." He sighed.,

"How is it, having a job like that? What about your family?" Annabeth asked, curious.

"Well, it helps I live alone. So I don't have to say goodbye every time I leave. My mom makes it mandatory I call her every night and visit her every weekend." He chuckled and blushed a little.

"That's sweet, you must love her a lot to do all that." Annabeth smiled.

Percy shrugged a little. "I guess so," he said with a grin. His gaze landed in back of her and his grin faltered. "Hey, uh would you mind. Um, grabbing a cup of coffee with me? Sometime?" He asked quietly, a little nervously.

Annabeth smiled, "Sure, yeah, I'd like that. Uhhh-"

"Oh, right! Um-" Percy searched his pockets and successfully handed her a blue card. "Here you go. Hopefully, I'll see you soon Annabeth."

"Hopefully." She grinned, looking at him once more before realizing her students were waiting patiently behind her. "Oh! Uh, come on ladies let's go." Annabeth smiled at the other two firefighters. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome ma'am."

It took months when Annabeth finally stayed over Percy's place and, did it. It was a cozy time afterwards. Percy kept kissing her shoulder and never stopped smiling and looking at her like she was an angel. His lips never faltered far from her neck and his arms around her waist. His fingers occasionally coming up to her face or her lips. When sleep had finally come upon them both they were wrapped in each other's arms.

It was around two in the morning when he was called in for a shift. Percy had hung up the phone, and glanced down at the blonde. She was sleeping peacefully and on top of his arm. He hesitantly got up from the bed and changed. By the time he had his coat on, Annabeth was awake. Percy kneeled on the floor next to her and she smiled, caressing his cheek.

"Be safe." She whispered and Percy grinned. He gently kissed her lips, and kissed her forehead.

"Always Wise Girl."

And for some reason, that was what Annabeth was thinking about tonight. Percy had just left her side once again, and started getting ready for a shift. By the time he came up to her again, she was sitting down and he was kneeling right beside her. "I'm sorry Annabeth." He whispered and she smiled softly.

"It's okay Seaweed Brain." Annabeth cupped his cheek. She pressed her lips against his and his fingers traced her scalp. "Be safe."

"Always Wise Girl." Percy hugged her quickly, tacking on an, "I love you."

"I love you too." Annabeth stood up when he left the room and grabbed one of his sweaters. Annabeth laid back down and smiled, knowing no matter what he'd always come back.

QOTC: Do you like Percy!Firefighter AU's? I would not mind doing another to be honest. 💙

{June 13,2016} IM BACK MY LUVS

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