Chapter 83

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Kronos is good. Percy knows that. He's been raised to know that Kronos is good, the Olympians are spoiled rulers who don't care about anybody but themselves. They send their own children to fight their battles, they curse anybody who even dares to defy them, they are the real bad guys. Poseidon is his father, and just because of that, everybody assumes that Percy will immediately bow down to his knees and praise him.

Well no.

What father Poseidon the great, so called King of Seas, turned out to be. He left his mother, left Sally to raise a child. Left them to an abusive stepfather, left them without any support. Left them to rot. Percy hated him. So, Kronos is good. Like other demigods, Kronos promises them happiness. Percy doesn't need happiness, not anymore. Not after Percy left his mother at twelve so she'd be able to support herself, not after she finally met a well enough man, not after all the problems had practically fixed themselves (without the help of his so called father). No, all he needs now is revenge.

Now what better way to do it then stomp down the doors of Olympus themselves? Show them who's their real king, Kronos. Percy didn't care if he dies, he knew he'd die. All he wanted was revenge, how bittersweet.

What confused him? Was why those idiot half bloods fought for them. They knew they were being used, and they went right along with it. They are idiots and all Percy wants is to slap sense into every one of them. He's had many encounters with them, in attacks.

Now, Percy is listening. Riptide, the black tinted metal, strapped onto his belt. Luke is talking another surprise attack.

"What do you think of going in through here and coming out here?" He asked, pointing to caves on the map. Instantly, Percy shook his head.

"We'd have nymphs and satyrs coming for us in minutes, the whole camp knowing our presence." Percy reminded, an event that happened once before.

Luke insisted, "So if the goal is to blow up the Infirmary.....We attack at dusk, four in the morning."

Percy thought about it and nodded slowly, "Yeah, we'd have very little light but just enough. The entire camp isn't awake- not even that damn centaur or the doctors- except for the campers guarding. I say we send 4 scouts in first, up in the trees, backpacks with one walkie talkie, two meals, one bottle of water, and a tranquil gun set with temporary poisoned effects. Two on the east, the others on the west, a good half mile in between. We'll preferably send Ethan, Dylan, Little- J, and Ally. Dylan and Ethan on the east, closer to the cabins because they're faster and stealthy. The others take west." Percy continued his little ramble, pointing to the map. Another few seconds more, he was done.

Luke looked at him with a smile, "This is why you're my second in command Percy. Terrific job." He clasped Percy's hand tightly and Percy smiled back. They were like brothers, Percy knowing his story, Luke knowing his. Percy knew how much Luke missed Thalia and Annabeth, Luke told him almost everyday.

"I only learn from the best Luke," Percy said and Luke hugged him before patting Percy's chest with his fist.

"They'll leave this evening right when it gets dark, go get the four and prepare them." Luke demanded.

Percy nodded, "Yes sir."

Completing his task, Percy locked himself into his bedroom. He took off his black clothes and armor, changing into basketball shorts. Being the 'Second in Command' required Percy to be in uniform and armor almost everyday, the exceptions of those days where they weren't planning another attack on Camp Half Blood. Percy sighed, getting into bed. It's probably time for his monthly visit to his mom, after all he might not live after the attack tomorrow. He'll go tonight.

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