Chapter 80

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I have tried to write stories for you guys, but I start them and don't know how to go on. These are three stories I've attempted but have come up dry 🙃 so, they're obviously not finished and are incomplete. If you guys have good ideas to continue them with, comment after the 'story'.


Annabeth really hated herself at the moment. She can defeat hundreds of monsters, live through evil- cow- curses, survive quests, and she absolutely cannot do anything to stop her menstrual cramps. Nothing.

She groaned in pain as her stomach felt like it was being ripped to shreds. She had no ibuprofen and no heated pillows or anything. She was at Sally's apartment with Sally and Percy gone. Luckily, today was her day off, unluckily, it's being spent tossing and turning on the couch.

Annabeth stood up on shaky feet, taking deep breaths and forcing herself to walk to the kitchen. "Gods help me..." She breathed taking hold of her phone. Her fingers were shaking and she collapsed on the chair.

Percy, I need you to get me Advil

Annabeth sent the message before tacking on a second part.

Don't ditch school, Seaweed Brain.

She closed the iMessage app and made herself some tea that barely helped. She tried to read a book, and even attempted to see a movie. But gave up and rolled onto the floor. Annabeth was tempted to get dressed and go to any drug store for some type of medicine. She took a deep breath and walked to the restroom, her eyes red and her body pail and sweaty from the lack of food and drink. Her hair was pulled back onto a bun (that was now a half ponytail, and half down?). Her attempt to warm her body up with hoodie had failed.

"Terrific Annabeth. Not to self: buy two bottles of Advil, one for your dorm, and one for Sally's apartment." She muttered. Annabeth heard the door open and frowned, it was barely twelve-thirty. Sally's meeting must've finished early.

"Hi Sally- Percy??!" Annabeth exclaimed, looking horrified.

Sure enough, Percy stood standing looking pink and was breathing heavily. "I got you the medicine."

"You ditched school?!!" She whisper exclaimed.

Percy laughed, "So that's why you look so horrified. Calm down Wise Girl, the next periods were Studio Art, English, and History. My history teacher wasn't there so we'd just go to the study hall. Art, well my teacher just doesn't even care. English, Paul was just going to read a couple chapters with the class, I'll read at home. Yes, I thought this carefully crafted plan through. Now, law down, take the Advil, and let's cuddle. We both now that helps with the cramps." Percy said in a breath and Annabeth huffed in a daze before taking the bottle of drugs.

She gulped two down with water and laid down in the couch as Percy changed. She was still wincing and holding her stomach when Percy came and laid next to her. "You're watching a documentary? Wise Girl, come on, let's watch Finding Nemo." He smirked and she groaned, in pain and annoyance.

"Again?" She dragged out the word. Percy hummed, kissing her forehead softly before grabbing the remote. Annabeth sighed, dipping her head at the crook if his neck. She felt like pushing him away to toss and turn to let out pain but his firm hold made her lay there as the movie started. His warm body made her sigh, and his hand was flat against her stomach, warming her instantly. His thumb soothed circles onto her belly making her shiver. Her stomach now was just throbbing and she closed her heavy eyelids as the movie began.

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