Chapter 50

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AU- also, I hope this makes up for the heartbreak I have caused, I had just found out my friend had cancer.

Update: She's been cancer free for a couple years now!!!

He was stubborn, annoying, witty, brave, courageous, kind, good looking, and worst of all, he was Roman.

It made Annabeth steal clear of that raven haired boy.

Jason had, from the start, had always been the smart and logical choice for her. They had been through a lot together. They cried on each other's shoulders when Thalia turned into a pine tree, they both helped bring the lightning bolt, the fleece, they both bore the curse, and so much more. It only seems fair for the couple to end up together. Her mother had always sent nudges towards the son of Zeus, practically giving Annabeth and Jason her blessing. Thalia always joked about saving Jason's virginity that left Annabeth blushing and stuttering, because no. One thing, for sure, was that she did not like him in a romantic way.

She had a hint that he didn't like her that way either. In his sixteenth birthday, they decided to give dating a try. Sure, the kisses and experimental touches were nice, but Annabeth never felt the 'sparks' and 'butterflies' and the 'nervous feeling'. These ideas that were all pushed into Annabeth's thoughts ever since Silena forced her to read those romance novels. It made Annabeth feel guilty because- what if Jason felt all of that and there was something wrong with her? She hoped not. Annabeth prayed that there would be a solution to all of this.

Her prayers were answered that winter when he disappeared. She couldn't help but feel guilty for this. And when the Roman came along, Annabeth found this trade completely ridiculous.

Boy had she tried to not like him. Jason had a stocky and noticeable built whereas Percy, he had a more lean, subtle look. Percy was annoying and ridiculously kind for a Roman. He had the courage to always talk to her in a sarcastic way that made everybody else suck in their breath only to see Annabeth glare and twitch angrily. She tried to limit their interactions to spar lessons, council meetings, and those rare times when Leo needed their help for the Argo.

Unfortunately, Annabeth craved his presence more then she'd like to admit. She got the nervous feeling every time he grinned at her mischievously that left her with pink cheeks and a glare as she hurried away. Or the butterflies every time they touched accidentally, even if it was during their sparring. It always made Annabeth lose as she remembered how soft and warm his skin was. Once, Percy had cleverly decided to take his shirt off before the match leaving Annabeth a frustrated mess as she drastically lost. Almost as if he knew, and it was pissing her off. That quirky grin he gave her every time she stared at him for a millisecond to long. Annabeth felt like a pathetic twelve year old with a crush.

Then she happily noticed how Percy stared at her too, now, at least, she wasn't the only one. How every time she punched him, Percy would mock pain and turn away with a blush. Or when they actually had conversations, how he would never break eye contact. Instead, just stare at her gray eyes as she spoke. It confused Annabeth because Jason never stared at her like that. He always nodded and looked at the grass or play with his sword. Percy would too often sling his arm around her shoulders that left Annabeth complaining but not really complaining. All these emotions made Annabeth almost forget that Jason was at the other side of the country with no memory at all, she always felt distant and guilty after that.

After Annabeth dislocated her ankle, she had never been more confused. The camp was having a capture the flag and the head counselors all were opted out to test the second in commands. She was climbing up the lava wall, something she'd done a million times. Of coarse, Travis was yelling for her attention and she glanced back for a quick second and suddenly she felt herself falling. Annabeth didn't scream- of coarse not- but her attempts failed when she landed on the floor with her ankle making a sickening sound. Annabeth couldn't help but curse."Fuck you Travis!" She managed through her pain.

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