Chapter 20

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BTW this is AU....SORRY, CARRY ON....
January 25, 2011- fourteen years old



"Are listening to me?!"

"Of coarse sweetie."


"Yeah totally, be there in a second."

"Imma go eat all the ice cream."

"Be right there."

"Imma go jump of a train."

"Have fun, play nice."

"I'm going to run away."

"Aw have fun sweetie." I stomped my foot down in frustration, why isn't he listening to me!?

"Dad, can I go open this bag of chips?" Bobby said, popping his head into my dads office. And my dad turned to him with a smile.


"I hate you." I said, and he just nodded, looking towards his computer. Tears hurting my eyes, I ran into my room, and slammed the door shut. I grabbed a pillow, and screamed into it until I was crying.

"Why me?" I whispered to myself, feeling utterly tired and helpless after the waterworks. Just because I was demigod didn't mean he had to treat me like I was invisible. I was a person.....a person he hated very much apparently....would he even care if I ran away again? Last time I ran away I was seven, meeting Thalia and Luke. Than we ran into some cops, the guys got me, Thalia and Luke ran away thinking I was behind them...I hope. Unless they ran away from me on purpose. When I had returned my dad gave me the biggest three second hug ever and than treated me like how I was before. Invisible. Maybe I should runaway again. Find some place safe for me perhaps.

Wait, never mind, I'm a demigod. There's no place safe for me. But at least I can be more free right? Glancing at my clock, it was nine. Time to go to 'bed'...a jittery feeling came over me...the same on that came to me when I ran away.

Shrugging, I got up from my bed. Taking a long lasting shower, a carefully let my hair air dry as I grabbed my backpack. I ran downstairs, grabbing three water bottles, five granola bars, an apple, and two mini bags of cookies. All with my stepmonster there, not even noticing me. Just scolding Matthew and Bobby as they ate pasta. I put all of the stuff in a plastic bag, bringing them to my room. Dropping it onto my bed I bit my lip before going down stairs again.

"Uh, can I have some?" I asked, my voice unnaturally quiet as I pointed to the macaroni and cheese. My step mother and brothers stopped and stared at me, like I was some alien.

"Yes you may," she answered swiftly and I thanked her, getting myself a bowl and running up stairs to avoid them.

Tears hurting my eyes again, I ignored them, returning to my packing. Grabbing two pairs of leggings, one pair of shorts, two shirts, and socks, I also grabbed necessities and shoved all of the clothing to the bottom of my backpack. Filling it about half ways, I dumped the food inside and it filled to the top. The backpack was a bit heavy, but nothing I couldn't handle. Placing it on my bed I changed from my pajama shorts and tank top to jeans. Rolling them form the edges I put my socks and combat boots on. Tying the laces, thrice. I glanced at my closet and just grabbed a white T-Shirt, tucking it in to look a little more nice. I rolled up the big sleeves and glancing at my self in the mirror, I looked like I was going hiking.

"It's a bit cold outside," I muttered to myself, looking out my window. Putting on a thin grey sweater, I put on a warm black one on top. I looked at my mirror once again and grimacing at my hair, I threw it up in a pony tail. Successfully looking at my image, I nodded slowly. Grabbing my mini sanitizer, I placed that in the front pocket of my backpack. Also placing a pack of rubber bands, bobby pins, gloves, money, and Chapstick.

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