Chapter 4

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Percy started up the hill, up to Thalia pine tree where he saw his best friend, with her back against the tree. As he got closer, he noticed that she was muttering inaudible things, her fingers up to her lips.

"Hey Annabeth? Um Chiron was wondering-"

"I hate you Perseus Jackson!" He was startled by her outburst.

"Uhhhhh..." Was the response he came up with with. Annabeth looked at him, furious.

"You idiot! You know Selena has a freaking boyfriend for gods sake!" She practically yelled at him. Percy was still confused though.


"SO!? SO!? When you insulted Silena she cursed me!"


"I don't know!"

"What's the curse?" Surely it couldn't be that bad, Percy thought, and Annabeth removed her fingers from her lips.

"SEE!?" Annabeth yelled and Percy winced.

"It's not that bad Annabeth." He said, taking Annabeth's hands before she covered her lips again. It really wasn't though, well for him it wasn't.

Her lips were plump and red, not like lipstick red, but like a dark pinkish reddish sort of mix. They were a bit cracked, like she hadn't drunk water in days. That's it. Percy didn't see anything really wrong with it.

"It hurts like hell Percy! It may not look bad, which it does, but it hurts!!" She yelled, her fingers returning to her lips, massaging them. Percy couldn't help but feel guilt wash over him as he say Annabeth furiously glaring at him, hands at her lips. He felt like a child getting in trouble.

"I'm sorry Annabeth! I honestly don't know why-"

"Sorry!? That's all you can say?! I don't know how I put with you for the past five years!" She sighed and plopped down on the ground, her back once again resting on the bark as Percy just awkwardly stood there. Looking quiet humorous considering he looked like a 16 year old scolded puppy. He sat next to her, and she scooted to the left a bit so he fit next to her. Wordlessly, Percy draped his arm around Annabeth's shoulders and she sighed again before resting her head on his shoulder. After a few silent and awkward minuets Annabeth perked up.

"Kiss me!" She exclaimed and Percy did a double take.

"What? Why?" Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Please? It will make the pain go away." She begged and Percy hesitated. Of coarse he wanted to kiss her? Who wouldn't? She's beautiful! But this wasn't a real kiss, he wanted to kiss her for real real. If you know what I mean. Percy glanced at her pleading expression and bent down to kiss her.

Her lips were suddenly soft and smooth as his nipped at her bottom lip, pulling slightly.

Annabeth was slightly surprised at how good it felt to kiss her best friend. As he nipped and massaged her lips with his own, she shut her eyes tighter. The pain slowly turning into pleasure, and soon feeling like only a pinch. Annabeth kissed him back slowly and carefully, there lips moving against each other's in a perfect sync.

Nipping at Annabeth's lip, Percy slowly brought his hand up to her waist, bringing her closer to him. She moved closer to Percy, shivering as Percy gently bit her lip slowly. All the pain gone.

He was sure a cure for sore lips.

So I was reading fanfiction when I came across this fanfic: A cure for sore lips by Sophia Anya Lee.
It's very similar to this one so just telling you guys the idea is not mine but that amazing author^ so check it out or something I don't know😂😂just clearing it up though if it sounded familiar. I just changed it to how I like it.

Cause you know those times where you like a fanfic but you want to change it a bit and stuff😂yeah love you all!!

AU// every time I read your comments it always always puts a smile on my face. Always. Seriously. I love you guys😘a virtual hug to all of you guys.

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