Chapter 77

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In which Percy is a makeup artist and people always think he's gay.

It happened very time, every damn time. People always thought he was gay. All the time, and Percy had no idea why. Just because he was a makeup artist didn't mean he was gay!? Right?

It frustrated him so much, he'd start conversations by just stating, "Hey, by the way, I'm not gay." People would gasp in surprise and bam, what a conversation. Percy is honestly surprised at how nobody knows it by how may times he's said it.

All his models always tell him their secrets and confide in him because they think he's gay. Percy will hesitantly tell them he really isn't and they'll widen their eyes and apologize. What's wrong with sharing feelings with a straight guy? Was this a stereotype thing, he honestly had no idea.

Percy, today, was doing makeup for the Aphrodite's Company, about ten models today. He looked at all the makeup he owned, waiting for the first girl. He really liked his job, he didn't plan on doing anything else really. Percy was a famous makeup artist, you can't really change that.

Feeling a tap on his shoulder Percy jumped and turned around, seeing a brunette waving. "Hi." She smiled, time to work.

Percy was very sleepy by the time the last model came along, feeling drained and tired. Why did they like photoshoots late in the day? Just his luck when the last model walked in, she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen (and he's seen a lot of beautiful ladies). Percy instantly knew who she was,  Annabeth Chase.  She walked into the room with confidence and just- wow

"Hey," she smiled and Percy smiled back.

"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson." He shook her hand and she sat down. Percy suspected she had some primer and a bit of BB Cream on. "Do you have makeup on?" He asked and she shook her head, looking a little excited with her bright gray eyes. Okay, that's some perfect skin then, Percy thought.

"Oh, I'm Annabeth by the way." She greeted as Percy chose his makeup products, he was tempted to say, "Believe me, I know."

Percy grinned, "Nice to meet you Annabeth. Now, this might take a while. Feel free to take out your phone and all if you want." Percy hummed, grabbing a brush.

"Oh, I accidentally left it at my house." She said and Percy almost dropped the brush.

"Seriously?" He exclaimed.

Annabeth laughed, "Yeah. I was sort of in a rush to leave and I completely forgot about it."

Percy nodded his head. "I don't think I'd be able to survive a day without mine to be honest."

"I'll live, even though I feel a lot safer with it on me." She explained. Percy hummed and glanced at her when he realized she was very quiet after a few long minutes. Her eyes were on his and she was smirking a little bit. With a low voice she whispered, "By the way, I know you're not gay. It's been the thing going around today with the models and photographers."

Percy's cheeks felt hot and he knew it wasn't the studio lights. "About time people understand." He chuckled nervously. (Because she was seriously beautiful and he was simply an average guy.) She laughed lightly and Percy stopped powdered her nose to smile.

He had finished doing her makeup a few minutes ago, but the way she was talking about architecture made him sit against the makeup table and stare. Annabeth shut up after realizing how quiet he was. "Ah, sorry about that. I get really into this sort of thing."

Percy shook his head. "Nah, it's fine. Really intriguing to be honest."

Annabeth grinned and looked into the mirror. "Wow, thanks Percy. The makeup is great." She breathed and Percy refused to blush, not for the hundredth time this hour.

"It's all Aphrodite's." Percy smiled, referring to the brand.

Annabeth didn't seem ready to leave, but he knew that the photographers would get mad if she was late. "Um, I think you should-"

"Hey, can I get your number?" Annabeth blurted. "Um, I mean, you're really good looking and- wait! No, I mean you did my makeup really good and-"

"W-What? You think I'm good looking? Um uh yeah." Percy fumbled for his phone, opening up his contact information. Handing her his cell, Annabeth smiled lightly, typing in her information. Percy stood awkwardly, his mind still processing the "you're really good looking" part.

"Here you go, thanks Percy, I'll see you later!" She exclaimed, quickly rushing out. Annabeth stopped at the door of the studio before smiling nervously. "And yeah, you are very good looking." Percy blushed again and waved with a grin, releasing a breath when the door closed.

"Did I just get Annabeth Chase's number?" Percy breathed. "And she likes me? Oh shit." Gosh, Percy felt like teenager with a crush.

Guys!! Add me on snapchat: blueconverseses 
          And on Instagram: blue.converseses

ANYWAY, I'm thinking of posting a part two, any thoughts??
QOTC: when do you start school??
AOTC: Next Thursday😭

{August 2, 2016}

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