Chapter 76

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In which Percy saves Annabeth when she falls off a cliff.

"Piper please?" Annabeth begged, pouting and the brunette was still insistent.

"Tomorrow, Annabeth, I promise." Piper groaned and the blonde huffed. "You said I could take my homework to do over here and I want to do it today. That way we can do a bunch of stuff tomorrow and the day after. All before we go back to San Francisco."

"Alright alright. You should've done your homework with me the first day we got here though." Annabeth sighed and grabbed her keys. "I'll go myself, it's just a few miles down anyway. I'll see you later?"

Piper nodded apologetically. "Be careful and come back for lunch!" She exclaimed and Annabeth laughed, knowing Piper would be lost in the kitchen.

Annabeth left the small cabin and breathed the crisp clean air. Something she can never do back in the city. Annabeth and Piper both had decided to go on a six hour road trip to Olympus National Park. It was the largest national park in the country with campgrounds, waterfalls, cabins, and the most beautiful sightseeing sights. The two rented a cabin and were staying a week for summer break. Annabeth mainly was excited to see Half Rock, a rock that was split in two after the biggest earthquake in history.

And beautiful it was. Annabeth stood on the edge that overlooked Half Rock and all the green trees on the bottom. The sun was beginning to rise, turning the sky purple and orange. She grinned and took out her camera, taking a panorama of the entire thing. Perks of coming at five in the morning, nobody was here.

The small rocks underneath her feet cracked and fell off and she gasped, stepping back. Her heart raced and she almost laughed in relief until she heard small crackling and Annabeth screamed as the chunk of rock from underneath her broke into pieces, falling off the edge. Her camera slipped from her grasp and her fingers grasped anything she touched. Annabeth panted as her fingers caught the edge of a small rock. Her legs dangled in the air and Annabeth groaned as she felt blood trickling down her cheek. Her knees were stinging and no doubt she was full of bruises of cuts. Annabeth's toes found a small ledge, enough for one foot, barely. Annabeth felt herself getting dizzy and she shook her head.

Looking up, she realized she didn't fall that much, but far enough. Their was just sharp edges of rock but nothing for her to climb. "Help." She croaked, and winced when she realized nobody could here hear. Nobody was here. She heard cars passing by fast, none stopping to watch the sight and save her. Her fingers hurt and Annabeth felt tears mixing with blood as her heart raced. Annabeth sobbed and tightened her grip on the small ledge. She couldn't die, she wouldn't. Annabeth was strong, she could do this.

"I can do this, come on Annabeth. J-Just wait for someone to arrive." She groaned and took a deep breath, wincing. Her fingers hurt and were cramping up. She saw her watch that read '5:24' and took a deep breath. Her tears never stopped. Who would miss me if I died? My dad? He's dead. My step brothers? Dead. My step mom? Dead. My real mom? MIA. All she had was Piper- who would never forgive herself if Annabeth died.

These thoughts momentarily distracted her. Annabeth's fingers trembled and she closed her eyes, leaning her head against the rocks. She flinched and realized she had an open gash on her forehead. That would explain the blood on her face. Her throat felt dry and her lips cracked as how prominent sun set on her back.

Annabeth was wearing jean shorts, a tucked in t-shirt, and hiking tennis. For sure her expensive camera either fell off the cliff or is sitting on the edge shattered to pieces. Annabeth's passenger door was wide open.

All she felt like doing was letting go to feel relief. Her fingers would stop hurting and the wind would feel nice against her sweaty body. Annabeth checked the watch and gleefully realized it was already six in the morning. One hour closer to being rescued. She knew people came by around eight in the morning to see around the park. Annabeth yelled in frustration as her arm started to hurt.

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