Chapter 21

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It starts with her.

I yawned, the light of the sunrise to bright for me, I'd rather just stay in bed, but no. I just had to go to school. The music played loudly in my ears, drowning the sound of the happy birds chirping and happy children that usually ran around. I'm not emo or dark or anything like that, not at all unlike my cousin Nico, it's just that I am not a morning person, especially at 7:00.

I yawned again, walking the streets with my eyes closed, I've memorized the way to school skillfully, saves the work of having to open my eyes when I can have them closed.

I yawned again,"Really?" I murmured to myself, wishing I can stop, after all all I was doing was resulting myself to look like I've been crying or something. Nodding my head to the music, I sighed peacefully. Well, until I felt someone bump into me, hard.

I snapped my eyes open just as I was a few feet from the ground. My shoulder made harsh contact with the pavement and I groaned, wincing. I sat up, realizing there was a girl at my feet who was on her back. "Shit I'm so sorry!" I apologized, helping the blonde to her feet. She cursed as she rubbed her ankle, her eyes towards the ground.

She huffed, "That's fine, I- well couldn't see where I was going. I'm blind." She looked up and the girl looked normal, except her eyes were closed, not milky white or anything. Hell, I can even say she's pretty. She had long princess curls displayed across her back, looking blonde and un-natural. She was wearing black leggings, converse, and a plain gray sweater. Her pink lips were set in a straight line, her defined jaw, straight nose, pink cheeks due to the cold feel in the air. Damn, she was really pretty. "Stop looking at me."

The girl interrupted my thoughts and I frowned,"How the hell did you know I was looking at you!?"

"I had a feeling, plus you haven't talked in like a minute." She grinned, a dimple appearing on her cheek.

"How did you know I hadn't left?" I smirked, crossing my arms, totally forgetting about school.

"I can freaking hear your breathing," She scoffed, I blushed. "I'm Annabeth by the way."

I shook her extended hand,"Percy Jackson, so mind telling me why you were running?"

Annabeth pursed her lips and shrugged,"I was running from home, I just didn't want to be there right now."

"Oh...." I stated, awkwardly.

" do you look like?" She asked, crossing her arms. She leaned against a random persons gate, and I slightly wondered how she knew it was there.

"Um I have black hair and green eyes, kinda boring actually." I shrugged.

"Like Logan Lerman?" Annabeth tried not to smile.

"No way he's like...attractive I guess, like, I mean, a bunch of people say that! Not me, I'm or anything I'm just, like, that I'm not attractive like him or anything, so I can't necessarily say that I-"

"All you could have said was 'I don't think I look like him' instead of going into a paragraph of stuttering and probably blushing, geez Percy." She laughed and I blushed harder and groaned.

"Shut up Anna-oh hey did you drop a phone?" I started, a bright shine at her feet. Annabeth gasped, and checked her pocket.

"No!" She groaned, as I handed it to her. Her thumbs skimming over the broken screen. I checked the time and realized it was barely 7:15.

"So you go to school around here?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"I use to, before I got blind, but now I'm home schooled." Annabeth grimaced.

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