Chapter 67

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Inspired by post above.

"Sh sh, it's okay, it's okay." Percy soothed in a hushed whisper, after being woken up by her quiet whimpers. Annabeth almost didn't seem to hear him. Her crying was too loud and prominent.

He was holding her like a baby, and cradling her just as close. Both his arms were around her shoulders as she cried. Percy's fingers traced her wet curls away from her forehead, kissing her nose. Annabeth sniffled, and sat up a little straighter against his grip. "Sing for me?"

Percy nodded and she placed her head back against his chest. Percy laid them back down again, and Annabeth got scared when he loosened his grip to grab a spare blanket from the floor. "I'm right here Wise Girl." Annabeth nodded and cuddled into his chest. Percy took a deep breath and started singing.

"Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying."

His voice was a little husky due to sleep, but Annabeth thought it was perfect. Percy had barely sang a few lines when her breathing slowed. Percy smiled softly, kissing her lips. He laid down close to her, kissing her hair. Falling asleep with a sigh.

He woke up to Annabeth's fingers around his jaw. "Are you okay?" He whispered first, trying to get the sleep out of his eyes.

"Thank you." She breathed, kissing his neck. Percy smiled with a slow nod, his fingers tracing up her back bone. Who cares if he's going to be late to work, Annabeth's kisses were worth it.


"Annabeth! Please- gods no-" Percy screamed, jumping Annabeth awake. She looked around confusedly before realizing it was the sleeping figure next to her screaming her name. His fingers were clutching the blanket and he was hugging himself. Percy probably moved to the opposite side of the bed in his nightmare. The spot next to her was cold.

Annabeth carefully crawled over their large bed, wrapping her fingers around his wrist. He started thrashing, pushing her away until Annabeth grabbed both his wrists. She slid her body on top of his, holding him down as gently as possible. Percy frowned in his sleep and opened his eyes. They were dark green, terrified and panicked. Percy sat up.

"Anna," he choked and started crying on her shoulder. Annabeth wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him close. "You-"

"Sh, it's okay, I'm right here. I'm alive, Percy." She soothed. "I'm right here." She whispered again. Again and again until Percy's fingers clutched her waist. Percy sniffled against her shoulder. Annabeth carefully pushed him onto the pillow, getting off his shaking body for the discarded blanket.

"Don't go." Percy said, his voice worried. Annabeth kissed his cheek.

"I'm not going anywhere." She quickly grabbed the blanket from the floor and crawled over to his stiff figure. She laid down next to him, bringing her leg across his stomach, her fingers on his chest. Percy remained stiff for a few seconds before reaching for her and bringing his arms around her, very tightly. He rested his fingers on her leg, Annabeth carefully responding to every touch. Because all he needed after a nightmare was her physical touch to reassure himself, Annabeth was okay.

Annabeth woke up to Percy tracing infinity signs across her hips. "I'm sorry." Percy whispered and Annabeth shook her head.

"Seaweed Brain, you're my fiancé. There's nothing to be ever sorry about." She said, and Percy looked down with a little blush.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Just a fluffy little one-shot for you, cuties.
Comment if you like it??
QOTC: If I wrote a new book, what would you guys like for it to be about? (not PJO related)

{April 25, 2016}

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