Chapter 55

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Zombie AU with Skater!Percy and Nerdy!Annabeth.

(everything in bold is the start of a different scene/time)

"Aghhdjjflgl-" Percy groaned, the sound he always made when he woke up at seven thirty in the morning.

Percy stretched, feeling oddly like a cat, and sighed. Lazily, he got up, putting on some jeans and a hoodie. Opting against the beanie, Percy tied on his Chucks, and yawned. "Honey! Oh- good, you're awake!" Sally exclaimed.

"Just barely," Percy mumbled, walking to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and made sure there was no toothpaste on his favorite hoodie before running out of the apartment, jumping onto his skateboard. (Not before yelling a goodbye to his mom, of course.)

Humming along to the tune on his iPhone, Percy spotted the familiar blonde walking to school as well. She was biting her lip (very annoyingly) and frowning at her phone, wearing another flannel. Percy rolled his eyes, playing his music in his earphones a little louder, skating by.

Making it to school, Percy barely had made it to his locker before the bell rung. Percy groaned, letting his forehead rest against the door. Well, he was late anyway. He wondered if Chase had gotten here in time, probably not, he was going ahead of her.

Percy shook his head, grabbing a random notebook and his favorite pen, making his way towards Mr. Kramers' classroom. "Hey!" A voice exclaimed, after promptly bumping into him very hard. She passed him stumbling, falling onto her back.

Percy quickly kneeled down, "Are you okay?! Oh, hello Annabeth." Percy said, seeing the blonde rub her head in distaste.

"Shut up," she mumbled, wincing as she rubbed her head.

"Well don't keep rubbing it, that's going to make it worst." Percy commented.

"How would you know, genius." Annabeth glared, but stopped, only to scrunch up her nose in pain.

"My mom's a nurse." Percy snapped back. "You'll probably need ice too, I'll accompany you?" Percy said, helping her up.

"I can go myself." Annabeth said, than glanced at her watch. It was black and the ring was plain silver, it was a seriously nice watch. Percy shook his head, taking his attention away from her freaking watch.

Percy grinned, "I know, but I'm late anyways." Percy shrugged and Annabeth grabbed her backpack from the floor.

It was quiet and awkward, it's not like they were best friends. Heck, they weren't even friends. Percy knew Annabeth didn't like him, and honestly, he didn't like her either. Percy thinks she knows that too, hence the no talking.

The school bell suddenly rang, and stayed ringing for a good ten seconds. When it stopped, Percy rolled his eyes. "Probably an accident," he shrugged, making his way down the stairs.

"Obviously," Annabeth said, following down. She stopped suddenly, her gaze shifting around. Percy stopped, looking back at her with a confused frown. "Did you hear that?" She asked.

Percy made a face, "Hear what? Damn, you're weird."

Annabeth looked at him, "Very funny, idiot. If anything, you're the stupid one."

"Me?! Why am I the stupid one Ms. I-have-straight-fukcing-A's-and-probably-know-more-than-all-the-teachers?!" Percy exclaimed, furious. Honestly though, he knew this fight was coming. When have they after been around each other and not fought? Everybody else thought it was cute, 'oh look! They fight like an old married couple!' nope, no way. Not on Percy's watch.

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