Chapter 1

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"Sweetie I'm leaving! I left a...surprise for you in the kitchen. Bye!" My mom yelled before running out the door with Paul a tow. I nervously walked to the kitchen and saw a neon yellow post-it on the fridge.


Annabeth is coming at three and I need you to do these chores

1) clean the living room, YOUR ROOM, bathroom, and kitchen.

2) wash the dishes.


Me and Paul will be back around Sunday. Love you!

I only have three hours? But... Annabeth is coming. I haven't seen her in months due to her school. Gods I miss her so much. Too many chores though...I shrugged it off. Who cares? My wise girl is coming. I shivered and realized how cold it was that it was even snowing outside.

I changed into some warmer clothing and started my mission. I quickly washed the dishes in a few minutes with the help of my water abilities. I cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes in ten minuets. I put away some of my mom's books that were lying around on the table, vacuumed, cleaned the tables, TV, and windows. I straightened a few things and sighed in satisfaction and moved on to the bathroom which was easy. I cleaned the sink, took out the trash, cleaned the mirror, lit the candle that was there, and done. I closed the door and checked the time. Two more hours until she arrived.

I hesitantly walked into my room and was greeted:

'Hey Percy!'
'Hi sire.'
'Hey bro!'
'Yo what's up?'
'Good morning your highness.'

"Hey guys." I sighed, looking at my huge fish tank where colorful fish swam around. "Listen...I um have to sort of clean the tank today sooooooo..." I started and there was protests from the fish.

'Um sir...'
'What the hell! O hell nah!'
'I respect you, your highness, but-'

"Annabeth's coming!" I didn't think I would have to use that card.


Was all their responses and I rolled my eyes. My fish loved her. "First imma clean my room." I shrug. There was only clothes and that all belonged in the dirty hamper.

You have no idea how hard it is to always change in the bathroom due to fish that saw everything you did. Seriously, once me and Annabeth were just hugging! The fish were screaming that it was 'PDA'... I had seriously gotten a major headache. If that was there reaction to just a few kisses on the cheek and lips, no way would I even try to change in here. So of coarse I changed in my bathroom. Speaking of.

I quickly ran to my bathroom and cleaned it like I did with the house bathroom. "Time to clean the tank!" I yelled with fake enthusiasm, the fish groaned. I grabbed the little scrubber and cleaned the rocks, the tank, etc....Finally it was as good as new.

"Thanks for helping Silena!" I grinned at the clown fish who helped me clean the rocks, well she tried. She was the cutest ten year old clown fish ever.

'Your welcome! Anything for your girlfriend!'

"You too Charlie!" I quickly added before the blowfish opened opened his mouth in protest. Which looked pretty funny by the way. "Yes, one hour to spare." I sighed and collapsed on my newly made bed.

'GET UP YOU IDIOT!' Melly yelled in my mind, one of the eldest fish, even though was only 18 she was a pretty strict starfish.

I nodded quickly and ran to the living room. What does Luis (my other starfish) see in her?? I laid on the couch and turned on the TV, cuddling with a blanket I threw over me and soon fell asleep, Melly's warnings forgotten.

Suddenly, I felt something in my arms. I didn't question but wrapped my arms around it. Annabeth. I hazily processed when a smell of vanilla and lemon soap filled my nose. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I buried my face to the crook of her neck, falling into another wave of darkness.

The second time I woke up, Annabeth was caressing my face.

"Percy?" She whispered softly and I opened my eyes slowly, readjusting to the dim light.

"Annabeth." I whispered back, my voice real deep. Oh terrific.She laughed and kissed me softly.

"It's like ten right now and I'm hungry!" She whined and I laughed, staring into her shocking grey eyes. Without question, I just hugged her close.

"I missed you." I muttered and she sighed.

"I missed you more."

"Let's eat because I haven't ate in like ten hours...that's a record." I laughed and she joined too.

"I'm going to order some pizza." She said and stood up from my embrace. I was suddenly real cold even though I had a throw in blanket on top of me.

"Gods it's freezing!" She shivered and ran to the phone. I smiled softly at her. Annabeth looked absolutely gorgeous in just one of my T-Shirts that went up to her thigh with some black socks. Adorable. She had her loose curls sprawled across her shoulders, and just- gods what did I ever do to deserve her? To others she looked really scary *cough cough Leo cough* but to me she looked absolutely stunning. Like a goddess herself.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Annabeth ran into my arms.

"Why don't you have your heater on!? It's snowing outside and you don't have the heater on?" She scolded.

"It's down for a while. My parents left to who knows where for two days without even telling me! They just left me a note." I whined.

"Your nineteen Percy. You can defiantly take care of yourself. Besides in San Fran the coldest it gets is like 50 degrees!" She laughed and I shook my head bringing her body closer to mine.

"Lucky you." She shrugged and I kissed her. When will I stop obsessing over her? Would I?.....Nah.

"Why are you so perfect Wise Girl." I muttered against her lips, maybe she knows.

"Perfect? If anything I'm the definite opposite." She pulled back and I kissed her neck.

"Nope you are perfect, your smart, talented, beautiful, brave, wise, just flawless Annabeth." I mumble, a kiss in between each word. I glance at her, seeing her cheeks flushed. Quickly kissing her cheeks she blushed harder. "Your cute when you blush too." I winked and she kissed me, a smile on her lips.

"Oh Seaweed Brain." She said and we spent the night kissing, and eating pizza (which had finally arrived an hour later).

Comment if you liked it✌🏼️😏
Personally, I don't like this one shot very much as to it being my first one in this book. I think the chapters later in this book are more interesting, so once again this one isn't one of my favorites at all😩
{around December, 22}

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