Chapter 15

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"UUUGGHHH-AGHHH-" I groaned, than it turned into a loud yawn as I rubbed my eyes. I will never work at Forever21 on a freaking Black Friday ever again. Thank god the manager took pity on me and let me leave earlier than supposed to.

I hope Annabeth is asleep. Well, duh. It's like three in the morning. Who isn't? Well, but she's Annabeth, my roommate. We've shared an apartment for about six months and it's been going pretty cool. Except I don't really know anything personal about her; friends, family, stuff like that. Reaching my door, I took my key and quietly opened the door, not wanting to wake Annabeth up. Because of what I've learned, she's a really light sleeper.

Tiptoeing in, I didn't have to turn on the lights. I've been here for a year, I know this place like the back of my hand. Besides, this apartment is so clean 24/7. Annabeth is like anti-dirty, I swear I haven't seen clothes, books, or anything on the floor no longer than ten minuets.

So please consider me shocked when I tripped over something on the floor. Gasping, I let my hands fall in front of me before my face collided with the carpet floor. Quickly standing up and brushing myself off, I mentally patted myself on the back for making actually no noise at all. I blindly reached for the lights, and dimmed them on. (It was those where you can choose how bright and how dark by sliding the tab up and down, Annabeth had insisted in having these in every room.)

Well, I had tripped on a shoe. But not any shoe, a men's shoe. Confused, I picked it up. Just a normal left chuck. Where's the right? Looking around more, I found the other about two feet away. Fear rattled inside me.

Quickly retrieving a pan from the kitchen (yeah,yeah, yell at me later) I tiptoed into our bedroom, sleepiness gone. I quietly and slowly opened the door, palms sweaty. Peeking my head inside I gulped, looking around our room. I glanced at my bed, to see it was how I left it. Than at Annabeth's-well that isn't normal. She always slept alone why is there...?

I put down the pan slightly and tiptoed over and holy- My jaw dropped instantly. Why didn't Annabeth tell me she had a boyfriend??! Well, obviously it's her boyfriend, considering the position they were in, which was adorable by the way. She was lying on the bed, her back against the pillows and a guy was laying between her legs. His head on her chest. She had her hands tangled in his hair, and his hands were on her arms. As weird and uncomfortable it looked I was mentally awing at how cute they were. I noticed she was in a tank top and shorts while he was in jeans, but he was shirtless.

Should I leave them alone?
What if it wasn't a boyfriend that she just didn't tell me about?
What if he was a freaking abuser and forced her to sleep with him?
(I highly doubt the last one though)

I relaxed a bit and sleep suddenly hit me again as the adrenaline left my body. I yawned silently, deciding to wake Annabeth. Tiptoeing over, I almost squealed aloud.  "Annabeth!" I whispered in a barely audible whisper. She didn't wake up. That's odd, she would usually jump awake because she was that much of a light sleeper. "Annabeth!" I said again, this time a little bit louder, also poking her shoulder a bit.

"Hm what?" She shakes her head a bit and started getting up, but I guess Annabeth realized she couldn't with a sleeping man on top of her. Speaking of, he started shifting too but relaxed again, his head now a little higher to the crook of Annabeth's neck. Annabeth smiled.

"Well, just wanted to make sure it was your boyfriend and not some abuser guy!" I whispered and she chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'll explain all in the morning." Suddenly the guy started moving again. He got off of Annabeth, only to wrap his arm around her waist as he brought her back closer to his chest. She blushed and I smirked.

"Night." I whispered and jumped into bed not caring I wasn't in my pajamas.


I groaned then quickly shut up as sunlight hit my face, remembering that it wasn't just Annabeth and me.

I rubbed my eyes, and glanced at Annabeth only to see something much worse than last night. The guy and Annabeth were making out. By that I mean his hand was under her shirt, on the small of her back, and the other was in her hair. Annabeth arms were locked around his neck.

"CUT THE PDA!!!" I yelled and glared at them, only to laugh as I heard Annabeth shriek and fall off of the cute guy and onto the floor instead.

"Annabeth! Are you okay!?" He exclaimed, grabbing her hand and quickly helping her up as she glared at me.

I chuckled, "What? Excuse me if I don't see people making out in my room everyday, gosh." I exasperated and the guy laughed.

"True..." He said and it went in another lapse of silence.

"Sooooo who's this guy?" I asked and the guy gaped.

"You never told her about me Wise Girl??! Hurtfuuulll!!" He gasped and Annabeth blushed.

"It never came about okay?! Buuuutt Lia meet my boyfriend, Seaweed Brain." She introduced hopping back on the bed. Percy immediately wrapped and arm around her waist and the sight made my heart clench.

"Haha my name is Percy....Seaweed Brain is the nickname that Annabeth calls me."

"Oooohhhhh...." I said and literally after that we spent hours talking. The whole time, I was wondering if somebody would ever love me like Percy loves Annabeth...

So I'm in such a good mood because I got 88 notifications, 88!! That's so weird, thanks to all who commented nice thing. Tbh I don't care about your votes I just love the nice comments you guys leave me that inspire me to continue writing. So that's why I posted two days from my latest chapter....

QOFC: How old do you guys think I am😮?

Nice comments appreciated:)

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