Chapter 31

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"You useless kid, can't you get it through your thick skull that you're not wanted here!?" Gabe growled, hitting Percy upside the head. Percy groaned at the small action, his head already spinning. His face was bruised and he had dark red spots all over his body at the moment.

"So-Sorry," Percy stuttered. Gabe rolled his eyes and waved his hand, sending Percy to his room. Percy's breathing hitched as he crawled over to the direction of his bedroom, hands bleeding he was thankful for the black carpeting.

"Fuck." He cursed in his bedroom, bringing his bloody hands up to his cheek. " going to...kill me."

Percy picked his bruised body up from the floor, and rested his back against the door. He moaned in pain as his head spun, debating whether or not to call his blond neighbor. After a few milliseconds he weakly reached for his cellphone in his back pocket, wincing as pain erupted up his arm. His eyes half shut, he dialed the memorized number he called every day and he inhaled as a few tears slipped down his cheeks, the breathing hurting his lungs.

"Hello?" Annabeth's tired voice answered, making Percy feel super guilty about this.

"A-Annabeth?" He gasped, the pain surprising himself.

"I'll be right there Percy, hang on." She said quickly, ending the call. Percy didn't bother turning off his phone, just threw it to the side. His head spinning, vision completely blurry due to the tears. He must've gone unconscious for a while because next thing he realized Annabeth has cupping his cheek, pressing a freezing ice pack to his bruise.

Percy jumped, reaching for the ice pack. "Sh sh, I'm here Seaweed Brain." Annabeth whispered, kissing his dry lips. Percy nodded, his throat dry and closed his eyes, trying to tune out all of the pain. Spinning into darkness once again, he sighed. "Percy? Come on Seaweed Brain, wake up."

"Hm?" He croaked, eyes opening to find Annabeth.

"I need you to get on the bed so I can see your chest." She whispered, her fingers delicately caressing his face.

"Yeah..." Percy whispered, starting to stand up. Instantly Annabeth grabbed his arm and helped him up, both limping to his bed. He collapsed on the bed where there had been many pillows so that his back made him sit up. Carefully, Annabeth took off his shirt, widening her eyes when her gaze rested on the bruises that decorated his torso.

"Oh my gods Percy." She mumbled, feeling herself tear up slightly. Her fingers lightly touched the biggest bruise right under his heart. She grabbed the bandages from the first aid kit and started wrapping him up. Percy staring at the wall in front of him, blinking slowly.

"Thanks Wise Girl." He managed, turning to look at her. Annabeth finished wrapping his bandages and smiled.

"Anytime Seaweed Brain, want me to stay over?" She asked softly, caressing the hairs out of his face.

"Just for a while, you can leave after," He said, and she nodded. Annabeth got off the bed, putting away the first aid kit and putting all the bloody towels in the dirty hamper. She turned off the ceiling light, allowing the light from the full moon to shine into the bedroom. She washed her hands in the bathroom and put her hair in a more secure bun before crawling into bed next to him, laying on his right side. The open window made her shiver as she raised the throw on blanket up to her chin, Percy wrapping a secure arm around Annabeth's shoulders.

"Good night," He mumbled, his chin on the top of her head, smelling her freshly showered curls.

"Sweet dreams," She whispered, both of them knowing it would be anything but.

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