Chapter 85

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He was running out of breath, the bruises on his body aching with every bump against a tree.

"Percy!!" He heard and he ignored them. Percy left the bomb under a tree, his shaking fingers clicking the green button.

"Duck and cover!" Percy screamed, jumping back. A loud ringing explosion made Percy yell in pain, his ears ringing, and just- white.

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

Percy jumped and gasped. Hands clutched his shoulders, holding him down. Percy cried out in pain, but didn't like feeling constricted. "Stop!" Percy exclaimed, and they kept touching him pushing him back. A sharp tingle in his arm made him wince. His eyes felt heavy and he shook his head. "Stop." He murmured.

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

He opened his eyes. This time, there were no hands suffocating him down. He sat up and looked around the white room. Looked like a normal hospital room. Percy jumped when he saw someone in the hospital bed across form his. A blonde, just sitting down, her legs dangling off the bed. She was looking down, unmoving, it scared Percy a little.

"Hello?" Percy said and she looked up startled.

"You're awake." She breathed.

He nodded. "Where am I?"

The girl shrugged. "A hospital. This is a hospital for 'soldiers with problems' or something." She held up finger quotations and rolled her eyes.

"You're a soldier?" Percy couldn't help but ask.

She rolled her shoulders, looking a little defensive. "Was a soldier." She corrected.

He just nodded. "What happened to me?"

"Chiron said you'll just be here until you get better. Unless, unless you show some signs. Like PTSD or something. Then you'll stay until you're.... Stable enough to go back home."

Percy didn't bother to ask who the heck Chiron was, just perked up. "Home?"

The girl nodded, looking a little sad. "They can visit you. Only a few times though."

He was almost sure that his mom would visit him. The thought made his heart clench. "What's your name?"

For the first time, she looked at him in the eyes. His breath caught at how gray and sad her eyes were. "I'm Annabeth, Percy."


"Okay. Kronos' teams are lined up. Here, here, and here. We can send a drone up ahead to drop a bomb here. That will weaken these r-" Beckendorf started and Percy cut him off.

"That's perfect Charlie. I'll get the drone, man." Percy said, clapping his back.

"Nikki, help Beckendorf get the packs ready, yeah?"

Nico scowled. "It's Nico, Perce. And yeah sure."

Percy grinned. "Thanks buddy."

Nico rolled his eyes again, not really annoyed to begin with.


Percy woke up, thankful. It was pitch black dark in the room and Percy was panting when he saw Annabeth on her bed. Did she ever sleep? Her lamp was on, the white glow against her hair. Percy like her hair, they looked like princess curls.

"Are you okay?" Annabeth asked, putting away her sketchbook.

Percy nodded, and sat up. "Yeah, just... It was just a-"

"Nightmare." Annabeth finished.

"How old are you?"

"I'm twenty one. You?"

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