Chapter 70

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I felt the cold prickling and stinging my skin. I scowled, trying to lower my beanie so it'd cover my face even further. My boots were soaked with water, my socks squishy, my toes numb. The soles of my feet ached with every step I took in the deep snow. The army uniform had thermos in them, but it wasn't enough for the cold I was feeling right now. These uniforms weren't necessarily made for being out in the snow for hours at time. Well, not the ones I had on.

I made sure not to step anywhere dangerous, knowing Annabeth was behind me, following my every step.

We got lost from our base, don't ask how, don't ask why? I have no freaking clue. We had returned from a one day scout to find the base gone. We've been walking since then, hopelessly trying to find something at least.

"Percy?" Annabeth whispered, I barely heard her over the wind. I instantly stopped and turned around. Her cheeks and nose were red, her eyes slowly blinking. Her teeth were chattering and I felt incredibly guilty for not stopping sooner. "I see a cave. We have to stay there. Until the st-storm ends."

I didn't see the cave, but I trusted her opinion. "Let's go." I croaked, every breath drying my throat.

We trudged through the snow, until I finally saw the cave she was talking about. It was an incredibly small entrance, I'd barely fit. She took off her backpack pushing it into the cave. Slipping in soon after. I grunted, taking off my pack, pushing it in. I struggled to go in, but when I made my through, I was relieved there was no cold wind prickling my skin.

Instead there were rocky walls. The entire cave was the size of small car. The air was freezing, the only relief was no wind. For the first time in hours, I looked at Annabeth.

Her lips were blue, her eyes were wild and dull. Her cheeks were red and her teeth were clattering against each other. Her hair was tucked into her uniform, lose blonde curls covering her face. She looked beautiful.

I sat down next to her, not having enough room to stand completely. Carefully sitting down in front of her, I placed both my legs around her waist, embracing her. Annabeth shivered violently and tucked her head into my chest. She stayed for a few minutes before pulling away. Our noses were brushing and she gently kissed me with cold lips.

"We have no fire." Annabeth whispered, her breath fanning my face. We stayed as close as possible, trying to give warmth. I knew no matter how cold I was she was colder. I was somehow let out more body heat,  Annabeth loves it. She always cuddles next to me when we're at our apartment. Just the small thought of her cuddling next to me near the fireplace made my stomach warm at the memory.

"Let's eat, rest, sleep, then we'll head out tomorrow morning." I muttered and she nodded. Both of us had barely just enough energy to speak. I disentangled her legs from me and we both shivered. I quickly crawled over to my huge backpack. I brought out two packs of food and small water bottles. I took out the blankets that barely covered my body and were barely warm. We can use them as pillows. I saw Annabeth take out the sleeping bag from her pack, the only thing I allowed her to carry (much to her annoyance). She extended it, the bag reaching seven feet long. I handed her the blankets and she fluffed them into pillows. 

Opening the packages, I saw some canned fruit, meat, tortillas, etc...

I waited for Annabeth until we started eating. We ate the farthest away from the little opening. She placed all the trash in the two little bags and left them outside the cave. She sat down next to me, laying her head onto my chest. I played with her curls, the cold becoming distracting. She was shivering and I suddenly remembered a lesson the teacher gave us in class.

"Take off your clothes." I murmured then smiled as little when I realized how dumb that sounded.


"I mean like, uh, sorry. I didn't mean it that way. Like as warmth. You know. We'll go into the sleeping bags and stuff. Yeah." I stuttered and a spark of remembrance shined in her eyes.

"Percy you're a genius!" She exclaimed with a smile and I blushed. "Why didn't I think do that sooner, gods, I am such an idiot..." She murmured to herself, peeling off her socks.

Before I undressed, I crawled outside. I found a random branch with leaves, and kicked it. Kicked until it fell off with a loud creak. I dragged it the opening of the cave, making sure it covered. "Smart," she muttered. Wrapping a blanket around her body. She was shivering like a leaf.

"Go into the bag already Wise Girl." I chided and she rolled her eyes, crawling over. I quickly untied my boots, then my wet socks, until I was just in my boxers. My teeth were chattering as I slid into the sleeping bag with her. It was snug, very snug. We barely managed. I laid my head on top of my arm, the other wrapped around Annabeth. Her breaths were at my chest, her ankles wrapped around mine. Every body part touching. Her nose skimmed over my chest and I shivered. "You're nose is freezing Anna." I managed.

Her cool fingertips, touched over the plains of my stomach, over my collar bone, down my arms, up my neck, to my cheeks, lips, until I was heavy lidded and breathing softly. Her touch sent a pleasant shiver down my body, making me feel numb. I gently kissed her lips, our cold noses knocking against each other's. My fingers traced her hips, her stomach, the curve of her breasts, her collar bones, her neck, just the way she did to me. She pulled closer to me, if possible. Her lips were warm, the friction making me barely feel. I held her cheek, her prominent lips skimming over my jaw line.

I gently kissed her nose, and she sighed, her nose pressing against my neck. I wasn't cold anymore, her body heat, the thermos in the bags making me feel warmer. "I love you." I muttered plainly, caressing her shoulder.

"I love you too." She breathed. After a few minutes her breathing slowed and she was asleep. I cuddled a little closer to her, kissing her shoulder. Her body was warm now, the thermos making my feet feel hot.

The night was still, there was no harsh winds, just light occasional wind for hours. It moved the leaves covering the cave a little bit and I tensed every time it did. It creeped me out, and I jumped when a soft whistling sound was made by the wind. I leaned deeper into the sleeping bag, until nose touched Annabeth's neck. I brought her closer, sniffing her curls. Getting sudden flashes of the memories I wished would go away, it just made me hug Annabeth closer like a coward.

She suddenly stirred and her arms stiffening. "Percy?" She mumbled, turning around so our stomachs were touching.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Go back to sleep Wise Girl." I quickly reassured.

"You're voice is shaky Percy, and you're really tense, what's wrong?" She whispered, her fingers going up my arm. Of course she knew me too well, Annabeth was my fiancé for goodness sake.

"I'm just... Scared. I'm getting little flashbacks." I mumbled, a little embarrassed.

Annabeth gently kissed me, tracing her fingers against my scalp. I shivered, kissing her back until she pulled away. "It's okay to be scared Percy. Go to sleep, it's my turn for watch."

I felt guilty for waking her up, but her warm eyes made me nod slowly. She nodded with a smile and I brought her to my chest, caressing her curls. I let my nose rest against her hair, my fingers tracing calm patterns on her body, her breathing lulling me to sleep. My eyes blinked heavily and I fell asleep.

"Percy... Percy...." Annabeth's voice woke me up. Her fingers slowly pulling my hair in way that made me sigh.

"Annabeth." I mumbled hugging her closer. "Time to leave?"

She nodded numbly and I took deep breath. "Together." She whispered softly.

I kissed her cheek. "Together."

That's a wrap. I'm typing this up in health class so hey
Comment if you liked it! My last chapter got only five comments? :((

{May 9, 2016}

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