Chapter 38

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"What were you thinking!?"

"Hey it's not my fault!"

"Who are you!? I'm fighting with a random stranger!"

"Well don't blame me! You're the one who started yelling at me!"


"YOU'RE ACTING LIKE YOU'RE THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS! IF I LAST RECALL YOU WERE READING-" She grabbed the collar of his t-shirt, bringing him down to her eye level with a fierce stare.

"Do not call me a damsel." She growled and he glared back, with an equally fierce glare. Both refused to lose this game until a car passed, a loud sound coming along with it through the quiet street. They jumped apart.

"I'm still mad at you," she chided, crossing her arms.

"Don't worry!" He exclaimed sarcastically,"I'm mad too."

She stared at him with her calculating stare until her eyes softened and she looked down with a sigh."Look. I'm sorry. I'm having a super bad day and this just....made it worse, kinda took it out on a stranger." She said, her voice laced with hesitation at apologizing, one thing she did not do often.

He looked startled like he wasn't expecting at all,"Uhhhh...." He suddenly sighed in defeat,"Yeah me too, I only got mad because you were." His foot leaned against the edge of the skateboard, resulting the board to fly forward into his hand.

She silently picked up her book and bit her lip."Um I'm Annabeth."

"Percy Jackson." He grinned and she allowed herself to smile slightly.

" old are you?" She asked, thinking that he looked pretty old but surprised herself.


"Really? Me too," She confirmed, thinking that the boy with black jeans, earrings, a black T-Shirt, black converse, and messy black hair was about thirteen or fourteen.

"Nice," Percy said,"You know, I don't know why I'm acting all nice right now...I'm not...usually...uhh, like this." He blushed.

"Are you from New York?" She blurted then blushed, ringing her fingers together.

"Yeah," He laughed, throwing his head back. "I was skating to see the new neighborhood, I live a few blocks away."

"Ohhhh, I noticed the accent. Is New York different from here?" She asked, leaning against a big tree that was on the grass near the sidewalk.

"Nah not really, it's super hot over here though. My mom might move back though, this move was just, explore. We're most likely to move back home." He shrugged.

"I might move to New York, to live mom," she said.

"Ohhhh..." He nodded and it stayed quiet."So why were you mad the resulted all that yelling?" He asked and she smiled slightly.

"Oh nothing much, my parents kind of kicked me out. Just giving myself time to cool off before I go back," She bit her lip, again, and he suddenly felt uncomfortable. Percy checked the time.

"Uh I have to go, my mother will freak. See you...around?" Percy asked, kind of hoping he would see this pretty blonde.

"Yeah, I literally walk the streets everyday." She shrugged and he grinned, nodding.

"Bye Annabeth!" He waved, taking off in his skateboard, leaving a confused Annabeth behind.

"Such a weird guy," she muttered to herself, turning back around to go home, reading her book.

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