Chapter 62

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{sorry for all the grammatical errors, I am fully aware}

"Yeah?" Percy smiled.

"Yes," Annabeth grinned, "now shut up and let me work. I have to go to Olympus, give them to Apollo, then I'll be right back."

Percy groaned, kissing her shoulder, "Can't Apollo and Hermes wait? I'm sure their game room isn't that important."

Annabeth scoffed, placing her palm on his forehead, pushing him away slowly. She pecked his lips before quickly leaving his cabin, making sure he wouldn't distract her furthermore. Annabeth made her way towards the Athena Cabin to grab the blueprints.

"Jake! Give it back! No!" A Hecate camper screamed when Jake dropped it only to grab onto it again.

Annabeth chuckled. "What is that?"

Lauren ran up to them, gasping. "That," she glared at the boy, "is a dangerous spell. It reverses age, temporarily of course, still very dangerous." She explained, trying to grab it back.

Annabeth took it from Jake. "You do realize that it's empty?" Annabeth said, narrowing her eyes, opening the lid. It was quiet for minutes before Jake spoke

Jake shook his head, "It's a purple 'gas', " he rolled his eyes, making little quotations with his fingers.

"It's clear, Jake, it's empty-" Annabeth's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell to the floor.

Lauren shrieked and pushed Jake away, kneeling to Annabeth. "Oh my gods, she inhaled it! Jake you idiot!" Lauren yelled.

Jake looked a little panicked, "Uh- no, how? What-"

Lauren pointed to the Poseidon Cabin, "Go get Percy!" She exclaimed and Jake started, but stopped.

"Shouldn't we get Chiron-"

"Just do it!" She yelled and Jake scrambled away, knowing she'd probably turn him into a rat for 24 hours if not. Jake ran to the cabin, didn't even knock and scrambled in.

"Oh- uh hey Jake-" Percy started, dropping his sword, as he was cleaning it.

"It's- She-" Percy frowned. "Annabeth!" Jake exasperated and Percy widened his eyes, running past the fifteen year old.

Lauren was holding Annabeth's head up, thankful most campers were at breakfast. Percy ran up to the pair, holding her face. "What happened?" Percy demanded.

Lauren gulped, "She inhaled a curse. She's fine! It's just-" Percy carried Annabeth, jogging to the infirmary.

Placing her onto a bed, an Apollo camper pushing him away. "But-" Percy started.

Will shook his head. "Sorry Perce, you know the rules." Percy glared and stood outside the infirmary. Lauren tentatively spoke.

"She inhaled an aging potion, well, reverse aging- uh, potion. Spell. Gas. Thing. Um-"

"Reverse aging? Like... She'll turn into... A child?!" Percy exclaimed, panicked. "Forever?!"

She widened her eyes. "No! Of course not. It's temporary, maybe like 24 uh. Maybe 48 hours, maybe more... "

Percy exhaled but then tightened his fingers into his hair. "Um- okay, um, uh-"

Lauren gulped, "I got to go to uh training. I'm so sorry Percy! Don't worry, she's going to be fine. I swear." Lauren exclaimed, running off, terrified of what she'd done. She was definitely turning Jake into a rat. Maybe a fly. She wasn't sure yet.

"Dude, nothing's wrong with her. It's like she's sleeping-" Will started, walking over to him.

Percy jumped, "She inhaled a reverse aging potion thing that's completely temporary and lasts like a day... Or two." He said in one breath. Will blinked.

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