Chapter 19

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AU where Percy was a Roman and switched with Jason who was a Greek, enjoy!

"PERCY!" Annabeth yelled her eyes widening in fear as she saw all the Apollo campers rush around the son of Neptune. His weak body pale and shaking, his lips chattering, eyes rolling back to his skull, his side bleeding out gushes of blood. Will didn't seem to care as he stayed focused on whatever he was doing, as if he had seen all this before.

"Annabeth! No!" Connor shouted, grabbing her wrist as she tried to run to Percy. Nobody knew that Percy and Annabeth were secretly a couple, a couple of only two weeks, but did it matter? Annabeth already knew she loved him, far more than Jason.

"Let me go!" She yelled and Connor bit his lip before shaking his head. Travis and Katie suddenly came out nowhere, Travis grabbing her other wrist.

"Annabeth, clam down. He's going to be fine." Travis soothed, not knowing why she cared so much for the son of Neptune.

"He's going to die!" She whispered, tears falling down her face, she couldn't lose someone else.

"Why do you care so much-" Connor started but Katie slapped her hand over his mouth, as if she knew that they were a couple.

"Annabeth, he's going to be fine." She soothed, trying to get Annabeth to see her and not the bloody sight in front of all of them.

"How can you say that?! Look at him he's- he's.....I can't lose somebody else...." She cried this time, and suddenly fell limp. Travis let out a squeak and suddenly she was crying into his chest. He gulped, not knowing what to do. Hey, she was the ultimate strategist, leader, bravest, strongest, camper he ever knew. The last thing she expected him to see was him to top it off. Katie gave him a look and Travis rubbed soothing circles on her back. No matter what though, she was still his friend, they have all been though a lot with war and Jason's disappearance.

"Sh," Katie soothed, caressing her hair. All of the campers hadn't even been paying attention to Connor, Travis, Katie, and Annabeth, to shocked and engrossed by Percy.

"But I love him." Annabeth whispered, her words slipping out of her mouth. Travis tensed and Connor looked confused, what about Jason? Katie though just smiled.

"Yes I know honey, I know. Which is why he's not going to die." Katie reassured and Annabeth suddenly pushed herself away from Travis.

"B-But-" Annabeth croaked and was met by Katie's friendly stare, motherly stare almost.

"He's going to be fine." Annabeth sniffed, looking at her secret boyfriend. He was know limp on the sand, as if he were sleeping. Will was speaking this chant and all Annabeth could do is hope he wasn't dead.


"Can I see him now?!" She demanded, causing Will to nod his head.

"Yes Annabeth quiet." He whispered and she gulped, rushing over through the door to Percy's side. He was not well. His eyes were open, staring right in front of him, he was pale, his side wrapped in bandages, his messy hair sweaty and stuck to his face.

"Percy?" She whispered and Percy looked at her, his eyes suddenly happy.

"Wise Girl." He croaked, and Annabeth rushed over to his open arms, burying her head into his neck.

"Seaweed Brain, don't you ever ever scare me like that again, please." She whispered, her voice shaky as she felt his hand in her hair.

"I'm sorry Anna, so sorry." He couldn't say her full name without being to tired, it was just to long. Annabeth pulled back, her hand at his forehead, taking off all the hair from his face.

"That's okay." She muttered, kissing his forehead. Percy closed his eyes, smiling a little bit.

"Kiss me ppllleeaassseee??" Leave it to Percy to still be sarcastic.

Annabeth rolled her eyes smiling,"Idiot," and she kissed him. Not even thinking that others could walk in and see them together.

The kiss was slow and deep, Annabeth with both her hands at the side of his face as his lay Intertwined in her hair.

"I missed you." She whispered and Percy smirked.

"I wasn't with you for only a few hours honey." He teased and she grimaced at the name, ignoring the butterflies.

"Still!" She gently hit his shoulder and he mocked pain.

"OOOWWW!!" He gasped and she laughed.

"Oh shut up." He smiled and patted the spot next to him, making Annabeth cuddle next to him. Percy carefully wrapped one arm around her, her head in his chest. "I'm sorry Wise Girl."

"Love you," She sighed, her fingers tapping on his chest.

"Love you too." He smiled, kissing her forehead.

I know Annabeth is OOC, oh well😼
I put Katie, Travis, and Connor, because I feel not a lot of writers give them credit or something, I don't know, but I love their characters.
I want to do a one shot where Annabeth and Reyna switch, now that would be a writing experiment, what do you guys think?
[also posted a chapter on Distractions]
Comment if you liked it, mind commenting some one shot ideas?
What time is it where you live?
9:01 PM😂😼

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