Chapter 54

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Annabeth was four years old when she realized what Christmas meant. It was the morning when you got one present and your dad placed you in front of the TV, hoping you'd stay entertained. Annabeth didn't know what else there was to do, so she sat, nibbled on cookies, and watched cartoons.

This year, Annabeth didn't like the idea that she had two new baby brothers for Christmas. She was five years old, and yet, her dad and this lady would pay all their attention to the babies. Annabeth begged them for attention, calling her dads name in annoyance.

"Annabeth, look, aren't they the best." Was all he said. The whole day was spent with babies crying and movies, her dad ignoring her all of sudden. Annabeth cried because she never even received a gift that year.

"Daddy! Daddy! Helen! Helen! Dad!" Annabeth exclaimed, waking them up.

"Annabeth! Sh, go back to sleep young lady. Go leave, come on, we don't want to wake up Bobby and Matthew." Helen scolded groggily, collapsing back in bed.

Annabeth left the room with her lip curled down, tears stinging her eyes. All the stories her teachers read always described how on Christmas mornings the parents would laugh in joy. They'd get up in their pajamas, make hot chocolate, and play music. The family would sit around the tree and open presents. Why didn't any of that happen? Weren't her parents happy that is was Christmas?

Annabeth was in her baby blue pajamas, dragging her little teddy bear on the floor, her curls up in a ponytail. Her bare feet padded through the cold rooms until she reached the living room. She turned on the Christmas lights, served herself a glass of milk, sat in front of the tree, and opened the one lonely gift that said her name out of the many. It was a gray sweater. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she hugged her teddybear, and ran to her room. Burying herself under the blankets, she let herself fall asleep.

Christmas at Camp Half-Blood was all happy and joyful, just like how she'd read about in school. Annabeth was so confused as to why, the Greeks weren't even Christians? But yet, the camp would have a large tree and a lot of Christmas lights. The Apollo campers would sing loudly while the Aphrodite campers gave girls makeovers for the Christmas party later on that evening. Demeter's kids would plant flowers everywhere and place mistletoe in the weirdest places. Everybody was in Christmas spirit, the meanest people were being nice, and it was perfect. Well, almost perfect.

Annabeth almost had the chance of having a perfect Christmas for once in her life. But no, because Thalia was gone and Luke was sad. The only family she ever had was broken and the only person she had left was temporarily ignoring her. Annabeth swallowed away the tears and forced a smile as her siblings tugged at her hand for the party. She allowed herself to laugh and smile for real.

Later, Annabeth tiptoed to the Hermes cabin. She saw Luke sitting on a bunk, staring at his shoes. Annabeth opened the door, placed the gift next to him. Kissing his cheek, she mumbled a, "Merry Christmas Luke."

Immediately after, she ran to Thalia's tree and explained her day in precise detail. From what she ate for breakfast to giving the gift to Luke. And just like that, it was a good Christmas.

For Christmas, the party still happened, and everybody was happy. Annabeth is a good fighter, getting very good with  the dagger Luke had given her, and can read large books. She is eight after all. This year, even Luke is happy. She had shyly given him a gift and he laughed, rubbed her hair and hugged her saying thank you. Annabeth even allowed Silena to put her on pink Chapstick. This Christmas was beautiful.

Dare she say it? This Christmas was normal. Annabeth gave presents to all her friends, siblings, Chiron, and Luke. She helped decorate the pavilion and tree and was happy. Luke has a new scar on his face, but still looks as handsome as ever. As usual, at the end of the day, Annabeth went to Thalia and continued explaining her day with precise detail. For the next two years, everything is normal.

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