Chapter 63

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For the sake of the story, Thalia isn't prophecy child.
AU where Annabeth and Thalia switch places... ;)


Percy was cold, shivering, his mind was torn in two because did he really just see his mother die? Grover weighed so much, suddenly, and Percy was using all his strength to drag him to the large house. Collapsing onto the stairs, he turned onto his back, the rain hitting his face as he stared at the dark sky. Then there was girl. A girl with black hair and scary blue eyes that just looked at him. Percy closed his eyes, too tired to care about anything at the moment.

He was positive she was so close to right about stabbing him in the eye.

"Percy, I swear to the gods if you do not tell the darn peg-" the brown horse neighed in detest at her comment.

Percy stifled his laughter, "Thalia, that wasn't so nice now was it. We're barely a feet off the ground to begin with." Why was she so against the idea? She got on the horse to begin with.

"I didn't know we were going to fly!" Thalia exclaimed, pale.

Percy looked at her, shocked. "Thalia its a Pegasus what else would we do?!"

She looked at him almost begging. "Please tell her to put me-" and she started screaming as the horse flew into the sky. Thalia was shaking when she finally reached the ground, her face pale and sweaty. Percy quickly got off his horse and helped her get down. "You are the worst cousin, ever." She managed and Percy scoffed.

"Not my fault your afraid of heights." Percy taunted and she punched him making him double over.

"Ow!?" He exclaimed and she huffed, walking away with a mad stomp. Percy couldn't help but laugh when she was out of sight. His prank went by perfectly. What? It's just revenge after she sneaked some seafood into his dinner. To be fair, Percy was no expert in telling the difference between meats.

"I knew I'd find you at Annabeth's Tree." Percy whispered, sitting next to Thalia. Thalia nodded, her head laying against the olive tree. "Chiron was looking for you, what's up cuz?"

She sighed. "Today was the day Annabeth, well, turned into a tree. I guess I'm just kinda bummed out." She said, trying not to make it sound like a big deal. Percy knew how much she cared about Annabeth.

"How was she?" Percy asked, curious.

Thalia smiled, "Annabeth?" He nodded. "Smart. A classic daughter of Athena. She always knew what to do, even at her small age. She would've been twelve right now, your age. Here, look." She took a picture out of her pocket, handing it to Percy. Sure enough, the blonde was sitting on the grass with an arm around Thalia's waist. Percy thought she looked really cute for a little seven year old.

"She's cute." Percy voiced and Thalia grinned.

"She was always the cute innocent one of course. But a strong fighter."

Percy dug around his memory for some random fact about Annabeth, him and Chiron talked about her one day. "She sacrificed her life for you, didn't she?"

Thalia looked down. "In a way. Um, Luke, had went with Grover to the Big House for help. Me and Annabeth were behind. But I didn't hear her so I assumed that she went with the guys. So I turned and went up the hill as fast as I could. What I didn't know was that a fury was flying towards me and Annabeth had screamed, throwing herself towards me- right at the top. She had pushed me away, sending me down the hill, and put herself in the line. The fury would have bitten into her stomach but suddenly she proofed away. I was sent rolling down the hill and all the monsters- gone."

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