Chapter 75

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In which Annabeth overhears a conversation between Percy and their fish.

Annabeth was sleeping soundly, her mind in a light state of sleep. It was when her hand moved forward, expecting to touch Percy when she instantly sat up. Her heart was suddenly racing when she realized the lump of dark blankets beside her, it's not him. Annabeth let out a small sound and got off the bed. Where's Percy? Where's Percy??

She took a deep breath and stepped out the already open door. The hallway felt freezing in comparison to her bedroom but she was too worried to care. Annabeth tiptoed down the hall and stopped in her tracks when she heard his voice. Instantly she released a breath and gulped. He was safe, and here with her in their apartment.

Percy was currently in his sweat pants and hoodie, sitting on the couch next to the fish tank.

"- I'm telling you Charlie, she's amazing. Yeah yeah, Silena, you've told me hundreds of times." Percy chuckled softly.

Annabeth frowned. It wasn't unusual that he was talking to the fish (named Silena and Charlie), but he mentioned "she's amazing".  Annabeth was just a bit curious.

"Well, I guess I knew she was the one ever since I was twelve. I just... Didn't know it yet. I do remember one time though, we were sixteen. We were both laying in bed and- Shut up Charlie of course we had clothes on!" Percy groaned and Annabeth smiled.

"As I was saying. We were just cuddling in bed and. I don't know she was so beautiful. Her blonde curls around her face and- gods, I remember glancing at the desk and seeing all her blueprints. Knowing how tired and exhausted she was from work up on Olympus. Annabeth had opened her eyes and frowned. She said something about me holding her closer 'cause she was cold or something like that, I don't remember. And I just thought 'Gods help me, I swear she's the one.' But then of course Hera decided it was fun to kidnap me and all that crap. Whoops, sorry Silena." Annabeth grimaced, she remembered his disappearance a little too well.

"Charlie I think you're becoming an Aphrodite kid... Sorry! Sorry! Well, to answer your question. There are a lot of things I love about her. I love her smile, her cute little freckles, I love her curls in the morning because they're messy and all over the place. Her laughter every time I do something dumb. Which is literally all the time. The way she likes to show off every time she wins Mario Kart, don't tell her, but most of time I let her win because she's so freaking cute when she smirks and smiles. Her obsession with architecture and books is too much. Every time, every time I swear, she studies or works she looks so gorgeous because she bites her lip and frowns and-" Percy sighed a little dreamily. "When Annabeth rants about stuff I don't understand- her eyes brighten and she goes off into this whole other world. I just... I can't believe I'm married to Annabeth Chase. I'm the luckiest guy in the universe."

Annabeth was teary eyed, she'll admit. Quietly she stood up and realized Percy was still talking, his eyes were closed and his head was against the couch armrest. He was smiling and playing with the silver ring on his finger. Annabeth smiled and looked down at her wedding ring. She quietly walked back into their room, a newfound bubble of happiness in her. Annabeth was smiling stupidly for the longest time until she heard Percy close the door.


"Seaweed Brain?" She whispered and he took off his hoodie, throwing it amid the room. "I love you." Annabeth whispered as he jumped into the bed. He laid into his spot, ducking under the covers hurriedly.

"I love you Wise Girl." He mumbled back. Percy laid down onto his pillow, opening his arms. Instead, Annabeth straddled his lap and held his cheek. She placed her lips on top of his for a slow kiss and Percy was a bit confused but nonetheless placed his hands on her waist.

"I heard you, you know." Annabeth said against his lips and Percy tensed.

"Wait what?"

She played with the small hairs at the nape of his neck, resulting in a small shiver. "All those things you said about me in the living room to Silena and Charlie."

"So that's why Silena kept looking at the doorway. I knew she was acting weird. I don't think Charlie knew though." Percy wandered off until he widened his eyes. "Wait you listened... Oh my gods." A blush settled on his cheeks and neck and he groaned. "Oh my gods Annabeth." He held her hips as he rolled on top of her, stuffing his head at the crook of her neck. "This is so embarrassing." He exclaimed. His voice was muffled and she laughed.

"It was cute Percy. Trust me. I feel the same way about you. You're perfect in every way." He frowned against her neck and she smirked, continuing on. "I love your embarrassed little smile every time I catch you doing something stupid. I love your small dimple. I love how messy your hair always is no matter what I do to tame it. I love when you talk nonstop about unique coral and fish." She chuckled. "Your eyes always get bright and far. I love you so much Seaweed Brain. I'm a lucky person too." Percy raised his head in front of hers, grabbing her hands and placing them on top of her head and kissed her.

🔅Something OOC, cute, and fluffy I thought of the other day. Don't worry, next chapter gets intense...
🔅Anywho, my snapchat is blueconverseses for all those who wanted to add me. Send me your Wattpad username for an add back💖
🔅Comment if you liked this small drabble🌻
🔅QOTC: I've asked this, but let's see who remembers my age?

{July 18, 2016}

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