Chapter 73

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AU Where Annabeth is a solider. Inspired by post above.
(I would not mind writing another Solider!Annabeth, just give me a plot to work with💛 :)

They were in the living room when she first heard it.

Percy was sitting on the floor looking down at the Scrabble game with his eyebrows furrowed. Annabeth was kicking his thigh was she sat in front of him, smirking lightly.

"Come on Seaweed Brain, it can even be a one letter word if you want." She teased and he groaned.

"No, no. This would be the fifth time you'd win. Not gonna happen." Percy bit his lip and Annabeth sighed, leaning against the couch. It was silent for a couple more minutes before he flicked his letters and crossed his arms. "I don't like Scrabble."

Annabeth laughed, "I win."

"Whatever." He murmured, laying on the couch. Annabeth laid next to him, her cheek against his back. He feebly attempted to push her off, even adding in a "Get off." But she didn't budge. Percy gave in and went onto his side, Annabeth falling next to him. She smiled and he grinned back, he can never stay 'mad' at her for long.

"Seaweed Brain." She gently kissed his cheek and he blushed a little, looking at her.

"I should probably be getting home soon." Percy sighed, but just brought her in closer.

"No, don't leave yet, it's only ten." Annabeth said and Percy scoffed a little.

"Well then I should obviously stay-" then the loudest sound Annabeth's heard ever since she came back, rang. It was a loud gunshot and it turned on car alarms and left dogs barking. Annabeth jumped and screamed falling off Percy and falling onto the ground. The Scrabble board fell off the table as her hand brought the edge down. The letters went flying everywhere and Percy sat up.

"Annabeth! Annabeth..." He exclaimed when she started crying suddenly. "Annabeth!" He yelled again, shaking her shoulders. But her eyes weren't focused on him. They were far away looking behind him outside the window.

"Annabeth! Cover me!" Michael Yew yelled, grabbing her shoulder.

Annabeth nodded and brought her gun further up as bombs exploded all around her. Sweat was pouring down her face and her cap was falling down her forehead, almost covering her vision. "I got you, go!" Annabeth loaded another round of bullets and shot anything that moved from the trees.

Michael was moving to the destination when someone pushed her from the side. Annabeth yelled and shot the person, blood splattering to her face. She kicked him off her and jumped when a bomb triggered next to her and exploded, pushing her off the ground a coupe feet. Everything going silent.

Annabeth blinked slowly groaning and looking up again. She held her stomach and sat up, widening her eyes when she didn't see Michael.

"Michael!" Annabeth screamed, stumbling up and seeing his body on the ground. "Michael!" She yelled again, running to him half dizzily and half conscious. She fell to the ground next to his body, gasping. A gun wound on his forehead, blood coming out of his mouth.

"Annabeth! Are you okay?!" Percy exclaimed, Annabeth was yelling and just fell to the ground. He held her face up gently and she stopped crying. Finally her gaze focused on him and her lips trembled.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, realizing she had another episode.

"It's okay, sh, it's okay Annabeth." He whispered, helping her sit down and immediately enveloping her in his arms. She cried in his shoulder as he rubbed soothing circles on her back. "Your okay, I'm right here. We're together." He whispered over and over until she pulled away.

"I'm sorry, Percy." She whispered. "I was just... Caught in surprise and-"

Percy kissed her lightly. "You never have to explain yourself to me, okay? I understand Wise Girl. I love you." He whispered and she exhaled shakily.

Annabeth leaned her forehead against his. "Thank you, thank you." Annabeth laid her forehead against his shoulder. "I forgot it's almost the Fourth of July." She murmured, her fingers tangling with his. Annabeth was at Iraq last Fourth of July, this was her first one home. She never thought of the fireworks and how much it'd affect her PTSD.

"We'll get through it Annabeth, I promise." Percy promised, kissing her again. She looked at him and he noticed her red eyes and lilac bruises under her eyes. "This wasn't the first time, was it?" He whispered, caressing her cheek. She looked down, no use hiding it.

"No. The first time was a couple days ago. It was pretty bad 'cause I was alone but. I managed." She managed. "But there was a few after that. Today was good, well, until..."

Percy kissed her cheek. "Wise Girl, you should've called me. I'm sorry." He muttered against her curls and she smiled lightly.

"It's okay. Let's just... Sleep. Alright?"

Percy kissed her nose and grinned. "One thing we can both agree on."

So I posted this on Fourth of July but apparently it didn't pend completely before I closed the app and I just found out. SORRY GUYS!!

QOTC: If I made a snapchat, would you guys add me??

🇺🇸❤️Happy late Fourth of July to all my wonderful readers!❤️🇺🇸

{July 7, 2016}

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