Chapter 57

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OOC, sorry :((

She's crying. She was crying and he didn't know what to do. Annabeth was sobbing in front of the lake and Percy was just watching. To be fair, she didn't even know he was there.

Watching her cry made Percy's heart clench for some unknown reason. He found himself almost in pain and in tears by seeing her cry. Percy blinked, why did he feel this way? She was just a blonde who came along from the Greek camp. He knew nothing about her.

Somehow, Percy found himself walking over to her. He sat down next to her, wondering if she'd want to be hugged or maybe just wanted company. Annabeth instantly stopped crying, sniffling. She looked up at him and he felt his heart break in two.

Percy wrapped his arms around her, wondering how he knew how to do such thing to a stranger. Annabeth seemed to know what to do because she wrapped her arms around his torso, fitting next to his body like a puzzle piece. Percy held her head closer to him, squishing his cheek against her halo of curls.

"Why do I care so much about you?" Percy muttered, swaying back and forth. Annabeth had stopped crying now.

Annabeth was rubbing circles on his back with the pad of her thumb. It made Percy shiver and feel like jelly under her touch. It made him wonder if they were friends, or something more. But then again, how could a princess like her fall for him?

"I'm your best friend." She whispered.

"I've seen you before. Like, in my dreams. Just a flash, very quick. But you were there. Why can't I remember?" Percy asked, feeling so frustrated with his memory. Why couldn't he just remember?!

"Hera." Annabeth said, her voice thick with hate.

Percy noticed how, now, she was more tense then before. Almost as if she were being forced to hug him even though her arms were wrapped tightly around him. Percy sighed, feeling strangely at home for the first time in months. Seeming like he belonged for the first time in a long time.

Annabeth leaned back lightly, looking at him. Percy gulped under her intense stare. She was looking at him, her gaze drifting through every part of him. Percy suddenly felt self conscious of the smudges of dirt on his cheeks. "You've changed a lot." She settled with saying.

Percy smiled a little. "Well, it has been a while hasn't it?"

She nodded. "A little too long."

It was quiet. Percy wished she would curl up against him again, he just wanted to feel her. Annabeth was still as tense as ever so he hugged her, placing his palm at her back. She stilled, but slowly let herself relax. He laid down, so Annabeth placed her head on his chest. She missed this, a lot. Annabeth wished he remembered her, things would be different. Instead of holding her, he would've been whispering lame jokes and telling her how much he loves her. Annabeth would've laughed, kissed him, and said I love you back.

Instead, Annabeth closed her eyes, grateful that she had him back even though he didn't remember. She slumped against him, letting his fingers graze along her hair and back.

Percy knew she had fallen asleep sometime ago, but he still didn't stop stroking her hair. It was soft and silky. Percy had a feeling they were more then best friends. It'd explain why Annabeth was so heartbroken, and why he was too. An image starting forming in his mind, Annabeth and him sitting on the docks with a blue cupcake. Percy held his breath, afraid that if he'd even blink it'd disappear.

Percy dug his nails deep into his hand, frustrated at how there was absolutely nothing else. He dug his nose into her hair, wanting to punch something. Feeling Annabeth shift a little closer, Percy exhaled with a curse. He may not have remembered anything, but he really cared. She was the only one he had seen in his dreams. Not that guy named Grover, or Chiron. Percy cared about her more then anything.

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