Chapter 14

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"Please don't leave." Annabeth begged, her fingers curling around the collar of his shirt. Percy closed his eyes as a few tears fell.

"I have too Wise Girl." He whispered, his cheeks wet along with hers. His fingers grazed softly on her hair trying to soothe her as much as he was trying to calm himself.

"No..." She cried, burying her head into his neck. Percy found it hard to not cry, so he gave up and cried along with her.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled over and over, managing to get them from the living room to their bedroom, where they collapsed on the bed, in each others arms.

"You don't even know how long Percy!" Annabeth exclaimed, the waterworks starting again.

"I know I'm sorry, you know it's only going to be this once. I promise." Percy whispered reassuringly, his heart aching.
Annabeth didn't respond but kissed him fiercely, trying to savor the feeling. Percy tasted her salty tears and kissed them away as she closed her eyes.

"I love you Seaweed Brain," Annabeth mumbled, her vision blurry.

"I love you most Wise Girl, to Olympus and back." He joked, Annabeth smiled a bit before it disappeared quickly.
They didn't say anything but just stayed in each other's arms, both dreading the next day, the next day where Percy would be deployed to Iraq for over a year.

"Bye..." Annabeth whispered, seeing the military car in front of their house, waiting patiently for Percy.

"This isn't goodbye sweetheart, I'll see you soon." He promised, kissing her one last time. "Can you smile for me?" He mumbled, taking her face in his hands. She managed a weak smile and he grinned, ignoring his tears too. "Perfect...Hey, listen," Percy pulled out a line piece of paper that had a bunch of words written on the front and back side,"on this paper I have listed 365 little places in our home. Everyday, I want you too to look at the number, see today is number one, so today you'll look where it says number one. If a year has passed, just do the process all over again, okay?" Percy explained softly, pointing out the number on the worn out piece of paper. Annabeth nodded, smiling, a smile that reached her eyes.

"See you Seaweed Brain." Annabeth smiled, Percy grinned. She opened the door outside too see it pouring. Percy walked out of the porch, walking slowly, analyzing every single detail of his home. Half ways to the military car, Annabeth ran after him in the pouring rain.

"I love you." She mumbled kissing him one last time. Percy responded instantly, tightening his grip around her waist. He kissed back deeply, making her lips numb and bruised but she didn't mind, not one bit.

"I love you more." He cried, his body shaking as he cried on her shoulder. Annabeth caressed his hair softly, the rain still pouring hard on them.

"Go Seaweed Brain, mail me...a lot, and...I did something similar for what you did to me. Here." Annabeth remembered, sniffling, she took out an envelope, inside it containing 365 little papers, each giving Percy little messages. Percy smiled, putting it in his pocket, his eyes red along with hers. She kissed him and pushed him towards the car, totally forgetting the fact it was raining. Percy made his way to the car, the captain starting up the engine as he saw Percy approach. Percy mouthed the three words once more before getting inside the vehicle.

Thankfully, the soldiers hadn't said anything, respecting the time he needed to say goodbye.

Annabeth watched it as it drove away, holding in her sobs that blended in with the rain, she walked into their home. The second she closed the door, Annabeth collapsed with her back against the door, sobbing.

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