Thank YOU

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Last updated: Feb. 10, 2022

I know y'all are wondering why this dusty book in your library just got an update after a couple years. Deep down, you know it's not going to be a one shot even though you want it to be; and as expected, it's a boring update about a stranger's life.


- I'm about to graduate college now, yah girl is making spooky adult decisions woah !!!

- I'm actually majoring in graphic design with a minor in management (boring I know I KNOW GUYS BUT I LOVE IT LOWKEY).

- My English professor said one of my best personal essay's was "exceptional". So you know my writing still be poppin' thanks to writing this book hehe.

- I have a very pretty boyfriend that has black hair and green eyes...
And you know I put that in there so y'all would fliP bc it's funny THAT HE REMINDS ME OF PERCY JACKSON. I tell him this quite often, still.

- Every day I think about writing/continuing this book. Or start a new one, who knows. I could use some ideas, smh.

- Thanks for reading this book, I'm glad it made you happy. I'm honestly so proud of it because some of these stories I've personally never read anywhere before, bringing a unique vibe to this book.

- I still have my notifications on for Wattpad so I see all the lovely comments you leave, even years (literally years) later <3

-It's crazy how I 'grew up' in this book, and some of y'all were there with me. Insane.

I love you all very much so, with my whole heart. Thank you.

{February 10, 2022}

{January 24, 2021}

{May 30, 2020}

{April 9, 2019}

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