Chapter 12

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Some things I'm saying now I'm going rate this M for cursing okay? (Honestly the only curse word in here is far as I remember) I feel like Percy isn't punk unless he curses so if this bothers you...oh well it's only this chapter😂Please don't say it made you uncomfortable because I'm only doing it this once....sorry.

By the way this takes place like a week after the war.

"Shut up Annabeth."

"No Seaweed Brain, don't blame me if I want to gloat." Annabeth grinned and Percy glared at her.

"First off, how many times have we sparred? Like ten times? How many items have you won? One! IN YOUR FACE!" Percy smirked, drinking his water. Annabeth crossed her arms, giving him the look.

"Shut up Percy."

"No Wise Girl, don't blame me if I want to gloat." Percy mimicked and Annabeth slapped him, suddenly hating the fact that he was so tall now.

"What happened to short Percy?? Geez your so tall now." Annabeth groaned, slumping onto the ground, obviously tired.

"I fucking grew Wise Girl, at last. Imagine, one of your closest friends, who's a girl, being taller than you!?" Percy exclaimed, taking off his black gloves, throwing them on the ground. He collapsed next to her, but instead of sitting next to Annabeth, he laid down with his head on her lap.

"Get off!" Annabeth groaned, throwing his sweaty head off of her lap.

"Nope, my prize for winning you nine times." Percy smirked and she glared at him. Giving in, Annabeth sighed, knowing what he wanted. Slowly, she threaded his fingers through his long carefully styled hair. Percy loved when she did this, it was just so soothing and relaxing. Annabeth smiled slightly when she remembered the first time she did this to him.

"What do you want?" Percy groaned as Annabeth came up to him.

Annabeth grinned cheekily,"To spar idiot." Percy looked up from sharpening his pocket knife and let a smile slowly make its way up to his lips.

"Still think your gonna beat me? Oh Annabeth..." Percy chided, taking out Riptide and following Annabeth into the arena.

"No, I know I'm going to beat you." She said, surprising Percy by lunging at him with her dagger all to suddenly, Percy let out a yelp, as he was pushed to the ground, Annabeth on top of him. The pair went rolling in circles until Annabeth broke through and punched his stomach. Percy let out a groan but recovered fast enough to block a strike Annabeth made towards him. Fighting for a few more minutes, Annabeth spread her leg forward making Percy fall. Dagger at his chin.

Percy gaped at her. "How the fuck did you- what!?" Percy panted, out of breath. Annabeth laughed, and got off of him.

"I don't know honestly."

Percy got up and looked at her amazed. "Wow." Was all he could way. Draping his arm on her shoulder Percy resisted the urge to smile at how short she was compared to him.

"Come on." Annabeth grabbed his hand, practically dragging him to the volleyball court. Some Apollo and Demeter campers were playing a game and the pair decided to sit on the side. "Let's sit." Annabeth sat down and Percy sat next to her, both watching the intense game.

"Annabeth?" Percy asked, tying the shoelaces of his combat boots.

"What," Annabeth yawned, looking at him. Percy tightened his lips together to stop the smile that was wanting to show, she looked so freaking adorable.

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