Chapter 36

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He was cute, long blonde hair. He was in every sport despite him being a freshman. Annabeth fell head over heels. Indirectly, they were the perfect couple. She was the girly girl, he was the fashionable jock. They had only been friends for a few weeks. It was bound to happen. So when Luke had shyly asked her out, Annabeth laughed and hugged him tight, muttering a muffled yes. Then Luke said he had asked her dad first and she laughed kissing him. Perfect.

Their first date was adorable and sweet, the cliché movies and lunch. Annabeth insisted watching the new X-Men and Luke looked at her. "Are you trying to- like- win me over or some thing?" He had said and Annabeth scoffed, going into a whole speech about stereotypes before Luke rolled his eyes and shut her up with a kiss.

When Annabeth met his mom, she went crazy and started talking about Luke's embarrassing baby moments. Annabeth laughed, Luke was grumpy.

Annabeth bit her bottom lip hard as she perfected the art of painting her index finger. Finally done, she placed a clear coat over and rolled her eyes. Who knew this would be so time consuming? By the time she finished painting all her nails and dried them, her bottom lip was practically bleeding."Ouch." She frowned, touching her lip and winced as it stung.

Annabeth put on her lip balm and shrugged, licking away the barely noticeable blood. Turning on her phone she played Taylor Swift's new album. Usually, she didn't listen to this. Annabeth liked more...undiscovered doe not that famous but famous bands. But today she was in a good mood, the hell with it she thought.

"Hm, what to wear what to wear." She muttered, pulling out a grey sweater and she grinned. Perfect. Putting on a tank top, Annabeth put on the gray sweater and black leggings. Deciding on random shoes, she put some high topped Nikes. Placing her hair in a quick bun she grabbed her purse and left.

By the time Annabeth had made it to the park all she wanted was some good sleep. "Hey baby." Luke exclaimed, kissing her cheek. Annabeth smiling before pushing him away.

"Hey, so why'd you want to have our one year anniversary, here?" She asked, sitting on the blanket Luke had spread out. Instantly he shrugged.

"Want a drink? I have coke?" He quickly responded. Annabeth nodded.

"Yeah thanks." She said, kissing him, the pulling back. Luke smiled softly before reaching into his backpack to pull out a soda. Annabeth couldn't understand why everything was quiet. Usually, they'd be laughing by now. Their date ended up being only an hour, Luke making unhumored jokes. She tugged one of her stray hairs behind her ear. "What's going on Luke?" She whispered curiously.

"Hold on." He sighed, he kissed her squarely on the mouth. Annabeth looked at him weirdly and kissed him before placing her hand on his lips, giving him a look. "I'm breaking up with you."

Annabeth jumped back, trying not make it look like he just tore her heart. "Um okay." Annabeth finally said. Luke looked at her.

"That's it?!" He exclaimed, looking hurt.

"May I ask why?" She asked, looking behind him, to a couple sitting on a bench.

"Uh I just...don't feel...the connection anymore. I'm sorr-"

"First off, how long has this been going? Second, don't you dare apologize! I am no damsel in distress." Annabeth growled.

Luke threw his hands up."For a while, and I won't....I know." He said softly. She stood up, brushing her hands against her thighs. She suddenly remembered the necklace. "Here by the way." Annabeth said, starting to take it off.

"No you can keep-"

"For what? A memory of my first boyfriend? No thank you." She glared, throwing the silver pendant on the ground. Suddenly she sighed and looked at the lake to the far right. Feeling anger bubble up she curled her fist and punched him directly on his jaw.

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