600 : Unconscious

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Seeing the dark red primordial spirit flying towards Ning Yuzhou, everyone screamed.

"Be careful!"

Ning Yuzhou seemed to be exhausted, just standing there upright, raising a pair of black pupils with no lustre, and letting the dark red primordial spirit break into his sea of ​​knowledge.


Wen Qiao screamed, staggering towards him, only having time to catch his fallen body.

His eyes were closed, and his expression was strangely calm, which made people panic.

Wen Qiao hugged him tightly, with a face full of confusion. She wanted to explore his knowledge of the sea, and worried that her rash actions would harm him, and said in a slightly crying voice: "What should I do? Brother Shi, come here soon.!"

At the critical moment, she instinctively thought that the teacher was dead.

Wen Tutu and others ran over, looking at Ning Yuzhou who was in her arms, anxiously.

They could see Ning Yuzhou's calm look. He lay there quietly with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep. But just now they saw with their own eyes the evil cultivator's soul running out of Min Kuangxing's body into his sea of ​​consciousness and robbed him.

The soul of the evil cultivator exudes the aura of the primordial sacred realm. It may be because it has already seized the house once, or for other reasons. The cultivator’s primordial soul is weaker than the ordinary sacred realm. The Yuan Sage Realm is not something that the Yuan Emperor Realm can hold.

Ning Yuzhou's expression was too calm, which caused a panic in their hearts.

Is it possible that after the evil cultivator broke into Ning Yuzhou's sea of ​​consciousness, he swallowed his soul in an instant, and now the person with his eyes closed is actually the evil cultivator?

The teacher limped over without life.

Wen Tutu like finding a life-saving straw, he grabbed him and said incoherently, "Hurry up, come here, and see how about Brother Ning? Brother Ning will be fine, right? What's wrong with Brother Ning? ?"

"Tweet, twee, twee!" Little Phoenix dangled his teacher's lifeless hair anxiously, asking him to quickly think of a solution.

The teacher had no life to be slapped by it, so he cracked his teeth and said, "Yes, he will be fine, don't worry! Smell Maomao, don't peck it."

However, everyone heard in their ears, thinking that he was comforting them by hearing the words of the rabbit.

Shi Wuming finally caught the little phoenix who was holding people down, and said helplessly: "What I said is true, that evil cultivator's primordial spirit is very weak, what about the primordial holy realm? It should be scramble in Brother Ning's sea of ​​knowledge now.."

If it wasn't for fear of frightening them, he would want to say that evil cultivation is really overwhelming. Who doesn't pick someone, but picks one of the most difficult bones. Can a soul that can go through countless rebirths without extinguishing, can be seized by a primordial saint realm?

I'm afraid that as soon as I entered, I would throw myself into the trap and be killed directly.

"Really?" Wen Qiao stared at him closely.

Shi Wuming sat down, rubbing his head that had just been clasped by the evil repair five fingers, and said, "What are you doing? You should trust Brother Ning." If you don't believe this old monster, who can you believe?

"But he now..." Wen Qiao was still worried.

"Because he was injured." Shi Wuming said, "He killed the ghost head and used special power before. He was injured at that time. Now another evil repairer is sent to the door. It is estimated that he can't bear it, so he went into a coma. ."

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