679 : Channel between three realms

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"Weak space channel?" Wen Qiao's heart moved slightly, "Why is there a weak space channel? Is the space between the two realms unstable?"

Xuanyuan Xinghuo said: "Actually, the space of the Three Realms has been unstable, mainly due to the sequelae of the War of the Three Realms...and the demons have been unwilling to give up on the fairyland where our human race lives and want to invade this fairyland. From time to time there will be demons attacking some weak points in space and sneaking into the territory of our human race..."

After listening to his explanation, Wen Qiao only understood the situation in the fairy world.

Unlike the lower realm, in the lower realm where there is only a mortal, after the spatial passage of the three realms disappears, the space barrier is extremely solid. If there is no special means-such as Wen Yi's life as a sacrifice back then, it would not be lucky to open it. In the fairy world, because the fairy is stronger than the mortal, the space barrier is relatively weak, and even many weak space channels remain. The demons can use these weak spaces to come to the fairy land where the human race lives.

Just as human beings ascended from the lower realm to the fairy realm to become immortals, so are the ghosts and demons in the nether realm and the devil realm.

After those ghosts and demons ascend to the fairy world, they will also ascend to the ghost world and the demon world in the fairy world, separated from the fairy land where the human race lives.

Wen Qiao remembered that when Ning Yuzhou left, he said that he would wait for her in the upper realm, which was the demon realm in the fairy realm.

"Since the Demon Race can reach the Fairy Land through the weak spatial passages, can the Immortals also go to the Demon Realm through these weak passages?" Wen Qiao asked.

Xuanyuan Xinghuo frowned, "Miss Wen, although it's okay, but few immortals would be like this."


"First, the places where those weak spatial passages appear are unpredictable and cannot be found; second, the demon world is very dangerous. It is said that where there are weak spatial passages in the demon world, there will be powerful creatures guarding the demon world. Involved in, there is only one end-to become the food for those powerful creatures in the demon world..."

Wen Qiao was silent for a while and found an excuse to leave.

Xuanyuan Xinghuo looked a little solemn as he watched her leave.

Dou Borong came over and found that his expression was wrong, and they couldn't help asking, "Xinghuo, what happened?"

Xuanyuan Xinghuo sighed and said, "Miss Wen just asked me about the Demon Race...Do you remember the news from the Demon Realm the other day?"

At this point, Dou Borong's expressions became serious.

The four of them are all big families from the North, and the news is more informed than the average person, and any major event in the fairy world can be known for the first time.

According to reports, not long ago, those immortal veterans who were hidden from the world suddenly noticed something that seemed to happen to the demon world, and then several places with weak space appeared, and some demon races mixed into the land of human races. It is a pity that the speed of those demons was so fast that the immortals sent out failed to find those demons in time and made them disappear.

Knowing that a group of demons have mixed into the territories of the human race, how can people feel at ease?

They are all worried that the sudden appearance of the weak space this time is a conspiracy of the Demon Race.

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